Tuesday, 20 January 2009

Welcome Romania!

A new school from Romania wants to join us. Welcome to Eden, Romania!
Here is an email from Maria:
We are School number 186 from Bucharest, Romania. Our school is called
"Elena Vacarescu" , it is a primary and secondary school
(students are from age 6 to 14). There are about
400 students, 20 classes in our school and 30 teachers. Web : www.scoala186.ro
(Unfortunately only in Romanian).

We are glad to work with you to this project.
Our headteachers thinks the idea is very interesting. In our team work
Mathematics (me), Physics(one of the headteachers), Chemistry, Primary teachers
and English teacher.

Bucharest is the capital city. It is the largest city in Romania, located in
the southeast of the country.
http://www.bucuresti.ro/ is a short presentation about our country and capital.

Best regards,
Maria Angheluta

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