How will you evaluate, during and after the Partnership, whether the aims of the partnership have been met and the expected impact has been achieved?
While carrying out the project we will use regular emails, ordinary mails, joining participating colleagues in Skype or Messenger calls, chats and conferences. At the project meetings we will analyse individual contributions of participating teachers to the project activities and emphasise the importance of everybody being fully involved in the process of decision-making including the formulation of necessary conclusions. Evaluation of progress of the partnership and its impact on the participating pupils and teachers including the participating institutions will be maintained. We will use our evaluating tools: discussions, observation, emails, questionnaires and interviews. We will evaluate during personal visits to participating countries and through the student’s level of involvement and enthusiasm.
To ascertain students´ opinions, attitudes and contributions to project ideas, questionnaires and interviews will be used. The use of various methods of media and ICT will enable the students to evaluate the project and to express their opinions on the project blog page. An English test/competition will be organized to assess pupils’ English level of competence regarding CEF. Each participating school will establish project portfolios containing representative pieces of textual, art, electronic, photographic and other work connected with our project. The portfolio will contain not only copies of exchanged items and descriptions of all included activities but also responses published in the local press and other documents of how was the project publicized.
The final effect will be further collaboration and preparation new projects in LLP.
The use of various methods of media and ICT will enable the students to evaluate the project and to express their opinions on the project blog page.