1) Plants, flowers in our surrondings:Garden of our school (trees, bushes, flowers etc.) introduction
2) Typical plants in our area (parks, woods)
3) Typical vocation, craft, old customs (which use straw, cornhusk etc and make decoration for Xmas tree, classroom- young kids like it)
4) Reservations or National Parks (introduction of flora, fauna)
5) Conditions needed for the plants growth(the plants are grown in different circumstanses: add extra water, extra chemical fertilizer, extra music (Mozart is the best)Children can compare how strong and living they are by measuring (number of leaves, height …)
As usually, beside the other project tasks, we would like to emphasize the artistic feature of the nature, including traditional products made of natural materials. I think we can be very strong in this point of the project. Julia, thanks for this opportunity!