Monday, 26 January 2009

Step 5_Context

What is the general context of each institution involved in the proposed Partnership? Is there a specific context as for example: Are the institutions in disadvantaged areas? Do the institutions have pupils, staff or other groups with specific needs, e.g. pupils at risk of social exclusion, pupils with special needs, migrants, refugees? If so, please explain.


Nowadays unemployment makes students’ parents emigrate, and consequently, young people don't connect their future with our town. We must help pupils discover their own identity. Our school financial situation is modest; we raised money to buy computers, but not enough to purchase the computer programmes. (261)

The participation in this programme should encourage pupils to collaborate, learn foreign languages and master ICT. The project will enable to work out new teaching materials, learn about other cultures, present countries to each other, and establish future partnership.


Our school is the only Catholic school in the area, situated in a socio-economically disadvantaged area. There are children with special educational needs and a lot of children come from different ethnics.

Our objective is to enable children to learn about other countries’ traditions. To understand the value and the importance of communication and learning a foreign language. To increase the ICT knowledge among teachers and students.


Our school is a small school situated on the countryside. No multilingual/multicultural school. Therefore it’s important with international contacts to promote cross-cultural awareness.

To encourage all students in our school to work cooperatively and harmoniously together. To increase the ICT knowledge among teachers and students. To understand the value and the importance of communication and learning a foreign language.


Our school has a special class for mentally handicapped children. There are 8 students in this class, including with Down syndrome. The aim is to learn these handicapped children and integrate them to a common school community. Our village school has also Roma children.

Children in rural areas are disadvantaged in comparison with city children. Participating in European cooperation could help them to become more self-confident, they will experience a sense of achievement and success in team-work. We want to make our students more ambitious.


  1. About Bulgaria:
    My school is th biggest in the town- 1014 students. There are no migrants and it is neither multicultural nor multilateral school. There are about 1-2 % roma students and 11 students with special needs.
    I think it is important to increase the ICT knowledge among the students and the teachers /especially the older teachers/, to understand the value and the importance of communication and learning a foreign language, to feel themselves more confident in communication between children all over Europe...

  2. Our Catholic primary school is located in the socio-economically disadvantaged part of Kiskunhalas, in the south of Hungary. We have 450 students between the ages 6-14, we put emphasis on Maths and English, from Grade 3 children can have more lessons in these subjects. In our school there are 31 gypsy and 16 children with special needs, 35 % of our pupils are disadvantaged.
    Our objective is to enable children to learn about other countries, the nature, to understand the value and the importance of communication and learning a foreign language, then to increase the ICT confidence among teachers and students.


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