Saturday, 31 January 2009
Where do you live?
Dear Danuta,
Please send me a list with the names of the cities or villages where all the partners come from.
I will look for low-cost routes - my son has a database with low cost carriers in Europe and I can spend a day checking the connections and the prices, so that we could mention all the right details in the application form. I could suggest 4 places to meet, according to the availability of the flights.
I suggest that one of the meetings to be in Bucharest, as we have natural sciences museums and a botanical garden - we might use them for our project. We could organize an event in Bucharest, to disseminate the results of the project and to meet with all the partners, as well as potential partners for a future project (NGOs, other schools etc.)
Keep in touch.
Dear Maria,
Don't hesitate and write your question on the blog. I am very glad that you are so helpful. Your email reminded me that I don't know everybody's location. Caroline, please, maybe a map on our blog would be of great value?
As for Poland:
Our home town is Jastrzebie Zdroj - two nearby airports are in Katowice and Cracow / Krakow. We can get there by car, 2hrs. The airport in Warsaw, our capital city, requires taking a train to Katowice, then a bus to Jastrzebie.
The Czech rep.
On the other hand, Jastrzebie, Poland is only 2 hours by car/ by train from Olomouc, the Czech republic, where Ivana lives. In fact, Ivana's school is in Dub nad Moravou, the village 20 minutes by car from Olomouc.
We can discuss with Ivana the possibility of combining your visit to both our schools during one trip only.
Caroline's nearest airport is in Kalmar. In May 2008 Ivana travelled by bus to Copenhagen, then by train to Kalmar. I took a plane from Cracow to Stockholm and then another one to Kalmar.
Julia, Bernie and Turkay, please let us know how we can get to your schools.
Let me introduce a Polish Art and ICT teacher, Gosia (Malgorzata - Margaret). She takes wonderful photos and encourages children to follow her. Gosia often invites me to watch her photo albums. It was Gosia's email urging me to watch this link
which suggested the idea of Virtual EDEN to me. What is your opinion?
W podobny sposób możemy stworzyć nasz Wirtualny EDEN.
5.8 Evaluation
How will you evaluate, during and after the Partnership, whether the aims of the partnership have been met and the expected impact has been achieved?
While carrying out the project we will use regular emails, ordinary mails, joining participating colleagues in Skype or Messenger calls, chats and conferences. At the project meetings we will analyse individual contributions of participating teachers to the project activities and emphasise the importance of everybody being fully involved in the process of decision-making including the formulation of necessary conclusions. Evaluation of progress of the partnership and its impact on the participating pupils and teachers including the participating institutions will be maintained. We will use our evaluating tools: discussions, observation, emails, questionnaires and interviews. We will evaluate during personal visits to participating countries and through the student’s level of involvement and enthusiasm.
To ascertain students´ opinions, attitudes and contributions to project ideas, questionnaires and interviews will be used. The use of various methods of media and ICT will enable the students to evaluate the project and to express their opinions on the project blog page. An English test/competition will be organized to assess pupils’ English level of competence regarding CEF. Each participating school will establish project portfolios containing representative pieces of textual, art, electronic, photographic and other work connected with our project. The portfolio will contain not only copies of exchanged items and descriptions of all included activities but also responses published in the local press and other documents of how was the project publicized.
The final effect will be further collaboration and preparation new projects in LLP.
5.5 Cooperation and Communication
Please explain how effective cooperation and communication between participating institutions will be organised.
Four members of the group project have worked on other projects (e.g. eTwinning, Comenius ). We have established means of communication which enable us to contact quickly and efficiently. On 20 December 2008 we set up a blog: Its aim is to help new partners to be fully engaged into the collaboration on preparation of activities. During the teamwork we recognised our personal attributes and potentials of our school (teachers, pupils, and the ICT equipment). The plan of our project, as much as the calendar of activities, will facilitate the advancement of the project. The participating schools will be in contact through electronic and ordinary mail, telephone, personal visits or other means of communication. Pupils will be posting Blogs, which will be additional control points and incentives for intensive work. After being accepted, at the beginning of the school year we will organise the video conference. Next we are planning video conferences four times a year. Each school will have its coordinator who will keep close contact with coordinators of other schools. Once every three months all coordinators will send reports and other materials to the general coordinator of the project who will publish them on the web site. At the end of the project all of the schools representatives and coordinating teachers will meet together to evaluate the results, benefits and contributions and to plan possible future cooperation.
Bulgaria, where are you? We can't see any signs of close cooperation. It's the highest time to do something!
Friday, 30 January 2009
Noapte buna !
Noapte buna! means Goodnight! in Romanian. Since today Maria's have SKYPE. We had a very nice chat.
Caroline, I can't stop admiring your ICT skills!
Dobranoc! (Polish)
Caroline, I can't stop admiring your ICT skills!
Dobranoc! (Polish)
5.4 Partnership
Please explain the distribution of tasks between participating institutions and the competences required from each of them. Also explain how you will ensure the active involvement of all partners in common partnership activities.
To carry out all aspects of the work programme, the group project divided responsibilities as follows: the Polish school is responsible for coordination of the project on the international level, the Czech school is responsible for evaluation; the Hungarian school is responsible for mobilitities; the Bulgarian school is responsible for the Art aspects of the project, English school is responsible for educational aspects of the project; the Romanian school is responsible for dissemination, the Swedish school is responsible for ICT aspects, the Turkish school is responsible for innovation aspects of the project .
The Polish institution is in charge of coordinating the project. In each of the other schools there is a teacher coordinating project activities in the institution, taking control of carrying all planned activities out, keeping the approved time schedule and sending the products to all participating countries. All the staff involved in the project in each school will work according to their own school project activity and time schedule generated before the project initiation. All activities will be previously arranged and set to a planned schedule that will be decided before the project is launched.
The Swedish school has great experience working with ICT in education and has good equipment for that purpose. Therefore its contribution concerning ICT will be significant.
Please, Edenians, if you have better ideas, send them now!
5.6 Impact and European Added Value
What impact and benefits of European cooperation do you expect Partnership activities to have on persons (pupils and staff) and on the participating institutions?
1. The pupils will be provided with opportunities to compare and contrast their lives with other European children. They will become more familiar with local and traditional customs and daily habits in various countries of Europe and to become more conscious European citizens.
2. As citizens of the European Union, pupils and teachers will find out through project work what being a part of a large European family means, and their multicultural empathy will be intensified. The school will gain prestige; it will be considered to be an educational institution which introduces its pupils to the European forum. The final results will enable to promote the school on a local stage and a European/world one. The teaching staff will have an opportunity to gain knowledge of European teachers’ work, to improve their own abilities and to use foreign language in practice.
3. The project will make pupils aware of other languages (Bulgarian, Czech, Hungarian, Polish, Romanian, Swedish and Turkish). The linguistic aim of the project will enable the inclusion a certain number of words and expressions of previously mentioned languages into WebQuest and the lessons of Science and Mathematics prepared by members of the Group.
4. In addition due to regular communication between partner schools, pupils will become more familiar with their attitude to solving important global problems like recycling, protection of environment and endangered animals.
5. Pupils, especially socially-disadvantaged students whose access to the computers is limited only to schools, will use English and ICT to communicate with their peers in European countries. The ability to communicate with others using L2 and ICT will become their vital feature.
Thursday, 29 January 2009
5.3 Objectives
Sorry, but I can resist the temptation to show you my way to EDEN.
- What are the concrete objectives of the partnership?
- Explain what subjects or problems you intend to address.
- What approach will you take to achieve your objectives?
The concrete objectives of the Virtual EDEN project are: to improve motivation for learning and learning to learn new skills, to develop an innovative method of team work - CLIL, to promote the learning of a foreign language, to focus on linguistic diversity, to promote teachers’ ICT skills and knowledge, to make mathematics more engaging.
The theme of the Project is the natural environment with its existing potential dangers and the optimum ideal state for the land to reach its fullest potential. The project will encourage the students and teachers involved to adapt a more active pro-ecological attitude of their environment in Europe who are aware of the value of natural environment.
The attractive style of conducting lessons and School Partnerships should encourage openness and curiosity of the world, therefore this should improve motivation for learning. The International programme is comprised of some of the youngest pupils so that they become aware of the importance of the environment of Europe from an early age.
Students’ tasks will be focused on: 1. The definition of the ideal state of the natural environment, 2. The definition of the actual state. 3. The comparison and analysis of the results. 4.Presentation of the final results. 5. Creation of The Virtual EDEN and /or foundation of The European Memorial Garden.
CLIL and WebQuest methods will be used with older students: they will learn to work in a group, use various sources of information, use English and use ICT. In Biology /Science lessons students will learn about the state of the environment in their area. They will conduct some research. E.g. the consequences of the pollution of air, water, and soil. They will determine acidity of the soil and the concentration of sulfuric acid in the air. The teachers of other subjects are included in the project – Chemistry – analysis of water; Geography – drawing the maps; Mathematics – solving problems and presenting them as diagrams. Students will present their results to the local authorities responsible for the environment protection and to the local community. Project methods for younger pupils include: they will set up mini-gardens, conduct the weather observation and bird watching. E.g. They will participate in Spring Alive, the European Programme.
During the project’s timeline students will search for the most typical and/ or most unique tree. They will make a record of the chosen item/ tree e.g. height/ width/ age/ population in its native country. Students who are artistically talented will take photos / or draw/. The photos will be the base for creation the Virtual EDEN on the Internet. ICT skills are improved during searching for information and communicating via blog and Skype. The digital camera and video camera will be used for documentation, and the interactive board will be used in lessons and the documentation of the project
The use of English during mobilities and everyday communication will encourage students to learn it more intensively. The project gives the opportunity to learn less widely used languages. They will create thematic mini-dictionaries and be conscious of Latin as a language of Science. E.g. The lichen scale which is a scientific tool in research is easy to use when the Latin names are applied.
Because of the collaboration of teachers of various subjects from eight countries, they will have an opportunity to compare their curriculum, share their expertise, and improve foreign languages. They jointly prepare biology lessons using the WebQuest method.
Teachers of Mathematics will have an opportunity to compare their methods and their effectiveness during the international Mathematics competition Kangaroo.
Wednesday, 28 January 2009
EDEN Calendar
Thanks Julia for keeping your finger on the pulse. It is important information for our new partners. To make it easy I’ve tried to set up a common calendar EDEN with google and share it with all of you. Can you see it? Can you fill in it with your school year and national/bank holidays?
Thanks Julia for keeping your finger on the pulse. It is important information for our new partners. To make it easy I’ve tried to set up a common calendar EDEN with google and share it with all of you. Can you see it? Can you fill in it with your school year and national/bank holidays?
Mobility - School Year
We know that a very important part of our AF is mobility. In Hungary the only thing which is checked carefully is whether this plan has been fulfilled or not.
As we are 9 different countries participating in this project, it seems to be challanging to create the mobility plan (Danuta is worrying), so it is important to know about the school year of each country and the times you are happy and ready to invite guests.
As we are 9 different countries participating in this project, it seems to be challanging to create the mobility plan (Danuta is worrying), so it is important to know about the school year of each country and the times you are happy and ready to invite guests.
Monday, 26 January 2009
Our School is situated 3 km away from city centre. The region of the school gets immigration from different villages of Fethiye. Although Fethiye is wealthy region thanks to tourism, our school's socio-economic condition is low. The parents of the students mostly live on agriculture.
First of all, we want to evaluate the different teaching methods of European countries and improve our teaching techniques. Apart from that we desire to improve the students self-esteem, communication abilities and motivation to learn. Finally we'd like to have experiences which would be otherwise impossibble, such as recognizing new people and travelling new countries.
Proposals for Flora
1) Plants, flowers in our surrondings:Garden of our school (trees, bushes, flowers etc.) introduction
2) Typical plants in our area (parks, woods)
3) Typical vocation, craft, old customs (which use straw, cornhusk etc and make decoration for Xmas tree, classroom- young kids like it)
4) Reservations or National Parks (introduction of flora, fauna)
5) Conditions needed for the plants growth(the plants are grown in different circumstanses: add extra water, extra chemical fertilizer, extra music (Mozart is the best)Children can compare how strong and living they are by measuring (number of leaves, height …)
Proposals for Weather
1) A photo of a tree is taken every month, some children are around it showing their respect and love of nature, also to teach the partners about themselves, toys, clothes etc.
2) Record the temperature of that day in the morning-midday-afternoon; collect and measure wet; note the hours of sunshine; personal comment
Comparison of gathered data, making charts or diagrams
3) pH examination of rain/wet
4) Examination of lichen-refers to air pollution
5) Examination of dust in the air (by the road children put tape on the ground, they count the vehicles passing by and after 30 minutes they count the dust on the tape.
6) Exanination of dust on the leaves (refers to air pollution) put some tape and after removing it, kids can count the dust
Step 5_Context
What is the general context of each institution involved in the proposed Partnership? Is there a specific context as for example: Are the institutions in disadvantaged areas? Do the institutions have pupils, staff or other groups with specific needs, e.g. pupils at risk of social exclusion, pupils with special needs, migrants, refugees? If so, please explain.
Nowadays unemployment makes students’ parents emigrate, and consequently, young people don't connect their future with our town. We must help pupils discover their own identity. Our school financial situation is modest; we raised money to buy computers, but not enough to purchase the computer programmes. (261)
The participation in this programme should encourage pupils to collaborate, learn foreign languages and master ICT. The project will enable to work out new teaching materials, learn about other cultures, present countries to each other, and establish future partnership.
Our school is the only Catholic school in the area, situated in a socio-economically disadvantaged area. There are children with special educational needs and a lot of children come from different ethnics.
Our objective is to enable children to learn about other countries’ traditions. To understand the value and the importance of communication and learning a foreign language. To increase the ICT knowledge among teachers and students.
Our school is a small school situated on the countryside. No multilingual/multicultural school. Therefore it’s important with international contacts to promote cross-cultural awareness.
To encourage all students in our school to work cooperatively and harmoniously together. To increase the ICT knowledge among teachers and students. To understand the value and the importance of communication and learning a foreign language.
Our school has a special class for mentally handicapped children. There are 8 students in this class, including with Down syndrome. The aim is to learn these handicapped children and integrate them to a common school community. Our village school has also Roma children.
Children in rural areas are disadvantaged in comparison with city children. Participating in European cooperation could help them to become more self-confident, they will experience a sense of achievement and success in team-work. We want to make our students more ambitious.
What is the general context of each institution involved in the proposed Partnership? Is there a specific context as for example: Are the institutions in disadvantaged areas? Do the institutions have pupils, staff or other groups with specific needs, e.g. pupils at risk of social exclusion, pupils with special needs, migrants, refugees? If so, please explain.
Nowadays unemployment makes students’ parents emigrate, and consequently, young people don't connect their future with our town. We must help pupils discover their own identity. Our school financial situation is modest; we raised money to buy computers, but not enough to purchase the computer programmes. (261)
The participation in this programme should encourage pupils to collaborate, learn foreign languages and master ICT. The project will enable to work out new teaching materials, learn about other cultures, present countries to each other, and establish future partnership.
Our school is the only Catholic school in the area, situated in a socio-economically disadvantaged area. There are children with special educational needs and a lot of children come from different ethnics.
Our objective is to enable children to learn about other countries’ traditions. To understand the value and the importance of communication and learning a foreign language. To increase the ICT knowledge among teachers and students.
Our school is a small school situated on the countryside. No multilingual/multicultural school. Therefore it’s important with international contacts to promote cross-cultural awareness.
To encourage all students in our school to work cooperatively and harmoniously together. To increase the ICT knowledge among teachers and students. To understand the value and the importance of communication and learning a foreign language.
Our school has a special class for mentally handicapped children. There are 8 students in this class, including with Down syndrome. The aim is to learn these handicapped children and integrate them to a common school community. Our village school has also Roma children.
Children in rural areas are disadvantaged in comparison with city children. Participating in European cooperation could help them to become more self-confident, they will experience a sense of achievement and success in team-work. We want to make our students more ambitious.
Sunday, 25 January 2009
Step 4_Priorities
Could you go through all priorities and tell us which in your opinion are important for your school?
Priorities for Comenius actions
1.2. Multilateral projects
All Comenius multilateral projects concern the development or transfer of innovation in order to improve teacher education and the continuing professional development of educational staff, and to make available to them material, methodologies and other support. Priority will be given to the following topics:
1.2.1. Priority 1: Improving motivation for learning and learning to learn
In a knowledge-based society, it is vital not only to improve access to learning
opportunities, but also to reinforce individuals' motivation to learn at school and
throughout life. There is a particular need to accelerate improvement in the completion rate of upper secondary education.
Projects should focus on the development, testing and implementation of materials,
new pedagogical methods and strategies designed:
– to increase student motivation and to make learning more attractive, particularly
for migrants and for those at a socio-economic disadvantage;
– to strengthen students' acquisition of learning skills;
– strengthening the links between school education and the world of work;
– to strengthen intercultural education and its contribution to social integration;
– to help meet the needs of the children of occupational travellers and of migrant
– to extend participation in educational opportunities through sports activity.
1.2.2. Priority 2: The development of a range of approaches to teaching and
learning to support 'transversal' key competences. Increasingly, initial education is called on to provide learners with "transversal" key competences (see key competences 4 to 8 [The eight key competences are: 1.Communication in the mother tongue; 2. Communication in foreign languages; 3. Mathematical competence and
basic competences in science and technology; 4. Digital competence;5. Learning to learn; 6. Social and civic competences; 7. Sense of initiative and entrepreneurship; 8. Cultural awareness and expression]), which require a coordinated approach across a wide range of school staff.
Projects should focus on the development, testing and implementation of courses and
pedagogical materials and methods and innovative strategies (eg team teaching).
1.2.4. Priority 4: Language learning and linguistic diversity
Projects should focus particularly on the development, testing and implementation of
curricula, courses or materials, methodologies and pedagogical strategies in areas such as:
early language learning;
developing and disseminating tools for teaching and learning the less widely used and taught foreign languages;
content and language integrated learning (CLIL); and
testing people's language skills.
1.2.6. Priority 6: Digital educational content and services
There is a need to promote and reinforce teachers' skills and knowledge to make best use of the new opportunities created by digital educational content and services of all types, commercially available or informally developed.
Projects should focus on the development, testing and implementation of materials,
courses and new pedagogical methods designed to improve the use of good quality
digital content in teaching in schools, particularly in relation to the acquisition of key competences.
1.3. Networks
Priority will be given to the following topics:
1.3.1. Priority 1: Development of pre-primary and early learning provision
Under this priority networks should provide a forum for providers, research institutions and associations in pre-primary and early learning provision, with joint involvement of parents as a shared responsibility. They should cover all of the following:
identifying, exchanging and building on experience and good practice in pre-primary
and early learning provision;
pedagogic approaches which foster creativity in children from an early age;
early language learning;
identifying topics for multilateral projects and other cooperation at European level.
1.3.3. Priority 3: Supporting entrepreneurship and links with the world of
Under this priority networks should cover all of the following:
successful transition between initial education, continuing training and career,
including guidance and counselling;
using and disseminating the results of Comenius projects, other European measures
and other activities in the area of 'school and the world of work';
exchanging experience and networking stakeholders (experts, institutions, etc) with a view to maximising the contribution made by schools to reducing youth
identifying ways of developing a sense of initiative and entrepreneurship among
learners and teachers.
1.3.4. Priority 4: Digital educational content and services
Under this priority networks should focus on:
the collection, validation and dissemination of digital content, and its integration into national and regional education systems;
ensuring that content is multilingual and reflects European values and ethics;
providing services and advice relating to copyright, licensing, quality assurance,
public-private partnerships and multilingualism;
promoting digital educational content relating to key competences and encouraging
teachers to use digital technology and resources creatively.
1.3.5. Priority 5: Making science education more attractive
Under this priority networks should focus on:
making science studies more attractive for students at secondary level;
developing and providing information on future scientific studies or careers;
measures to reduce the gender imbalance in science education and careers.
1.3.6. Priority 6: Development of special needs education (SEN) towards
inclusion of all young people, in particular of those with disabilities.
This priority would reinforce policies towards mainstreaming SEN provision, and the
transformation of special schools into resource centres supporting the various sub-groups of SEN. It would also cover the training needs of school education staff and opening up schools to society.
Could you go through all priorities and tell us which in your opinion are important for your school?
Priorities for Comenius actions
1.2. Multilateral projects
All Comenius multilateral projects concern the development or transfer of innovation in order to improve teacher education and the continuing professional development of educational staff, and to make available to them material, methodologies and other support. Priority will be given to the following topics:
1.2.1. Priority 1: Improving motivation for learning and learning to learn
In a knowledge-based society, it is vital not only to improve access to learning
opportunities, but also to reinforce individuals' motivation to learn at school and
throughout life. There is a particular need to accelerate improvement in the completion rate of upper secondary education.
Projects should focus on the development, testing and implementation of materials,
new pedagogical methods and strategies designed:
– to increase student motivation and to make learning more attractive, particularly
for migrants and for those at a socio-economic disadvantage;
– to strengthen students' acquisition of learning skills;
– strengthening the links between school education and the world of work;
– to strengthen intercultural education and its contribution to social integration;
– to help meet the needs of the children of occupational travellers and of migrant
– to extend participation in educational opportunities through sports activity.
1.2.2. Priority 2: The development of a range of approaches to teaching and
learning to support 'transversal' key competences. Increasingly, initial education is called on to provide learners with "transversal" key competences (see key competences 4 to 8 [The eight key competences are: 1.Communication in the mother tongue; 2. Communication in foreign languages; 3. Mathematical competence and
basic competences in science and technology; 4. Digital competence;5. Learning to learn; 6. Social and civic competences; 7. Sense of initiative and entrepreneurship; 8. Cultural awareness and expression]), which require a coordinated approach across a wide range of school staff.
Projects should focus on the development, testing and implementation of courses and
pedagogical materials and methods and innovative strategies (eg team teaching).
1.2.4. Priority 4: Language learning and linguistic diversity
Projects should focus particularly on the development, testing and implementation of
curricula, courses or materials, methodologies and pedagogical strategies in areas such as:
early language learning;
developing and disseminating tools for teaching and learning the less widely used and taught foreign languages;
content and language integrated learning (CLIL); and
testing people's language skills.
1.2.6. Priority 6: Digital educational content and services
There is a need to promote and reinforce teachers' skills and knowledge to make best use of the new opportunities created by digital educational content and services of all types, commercially available or informally developed.
Projects should focus on the development, testing and implementation of materials,
courses and new pedagogical methods designed to improve the use of good quality
digital content in teaching in schools, particularly in relation to the acquisition of key competences.
1.3. Networks
Priority will be given to the following topics:
1.3.1. Priority 1: Development of pre-primary and early learning provision
Under this priority networks should provide a forum for providers, research institutions and associations in pre-primary and early learning provision, with joint involvement of parents as a shared responsibility. They should cover all of the following:
identifying, exchanging and building on experience and good practice in pre-primary
and early learning provision;
pedagogic approaches which foster creativity in children from an early age;
early language learning;
identifying topics for multilateral projects and other cooperation at European level.
1.3.3. Priority 3: Supporting entrepreneurship and links with the world of
Under this priority networks should cover all of the following:
successful transition between initial education, continuing training and career,
including guidance and counselling;
using and disseminating the results of Comenius projects, other European measures
and other activities in the area of 'school and the world of work';
exchanging experience and networking stakeholders (experts, institutions, etc) with a view to maximising the contribution made by schools to reducing youth
identifying ways of developing a sense of initiative and entrepreneurship among
learners and teachers.
1.3.4. Priority 4: Digital educational content and services
Under this priority networks should focus on:
the collection, validation and dissemination of digital content, and its integration into national and regional education systems;
ensuring that content is multilingual and reflects European values and ethics;
providing services and advice relating to copyright, licensing, quality assurance,
public-private partnerships and multilingualism;
promoting digital educational content relating to key competences and encouraging
teachers to use digital technology and resources creatively.
1.3.5. Priority 5: Making science education more attractive
Under this priority networks should focus on:
making science studies more attractive for students at secondary level;
developing and providing information on future scientific studies or careers;
measures to reduce the gender imbalance in science education and careers.
1.3.6. Priority 6: Development of special needs education (SEN) towards
inclusion of all young people, in particular of those with disabilities.
This priority would reinforce policies towards mainstreaming SEN provision, and the
transformation of special schools into resource centres supporting the various sub-groups of SEN. It would also cover the training needs of school education staff and opening up schools to society.
Friday, 23 January 2009
Do you know this kangaroo? Ask you Maths teachers. Add "the international competition in mathematics" and search your country web. This link may be useful, too. We can use the competition in our project.
Thursday, 22 January 2009
"A Slice of Bread"
Examination of Soil
They learn how important is to have unpolluted fields.
Respect the effort of natural world, flora and fauna.
Intergrated subjects:
Maths: making webs for the planting, counting the seeds and the tiny plants.
Technology: making trays for planting.
Science: Social Studies: our town, making maps.
Respect the effort of natural world, flora and fauna.
Intergrated subjects:
Maths: making webs for the planting, counting the seeds and the tiny plants.
Technology: making trays for planting.
Science: Social Studies: our town, making maps.
Základní škola in Dub nad Moravou, Czech Republic
Základní škola in Dub nad Moravou is a small basic school with 9 classes and about 200 students. It is situated in Moravian countryside, a rural area with people commuting for work to quite distant big cities.
We look forward to cooperate in the Virtual Eden project with other countries and to gain more experience in the area of Science colaboration.
We look forward to cooperate in the Virtual Eden project with other countries and to gain more experience in the area of Science colaboration.
LLP Project Virtual Eden Main Points
Main topics:
Our environment
1) Weather
2) Soil
3) Plants, birds
Our environment
1) Weather
2) Soil
3) Plants, birds
Integrated subjects:
Art, Maths, Chemistry, Biology, Science,
Geography, Technology, IT, photography
Final product:
"The European Memorial Garden"
Virtual Garden – on net
"The European Memorial Garden"
Virtual Garden – on net
Tuesday, 20 January 2009
7 Participants in the alphabetic order: Bulgaria, Czech Republic, Hungary, Poland, Romania, Sweden and Turkey.
7 Participants in the alphabetic order: Bulgaria, Czech Republic, Hungary, Poland, Romania, Sweden and Turkey.
Hello From Turkey
I am Turkay from Turkey, (The difference is only one letter so I hope you remember my name easily). We live in Fethiye, in the southwest of Turkey and is a coast by Mediterranean Sea. Fethiye is a touristic place and famous for Oludeniz Beach.
I am the contact person of Turkey. I am 30 years old, Forest Products Engineer and I am a Doctorate student. I currently work in Fethiye National Education Directorate which is a govermental instution.
Our school is public School which has about 650 students, 30 teaching staff and 25 classes.
Catalarik Primary School
Catalarik Street
Post Code 48300
Tel: +90 252 613 18 23
Fax: +90 252 613 26 06
Step 3
Step 3
Participants in the alphabetic order: Czech Republic, Hungary, Poland, Romania, Sweden Turkey. Let’s introduce our institution formally. The application form must be completed JOINTLY by the whole Partnership and all partners will receive a copy. Here on the blog we can write the full names of our institutions. (PleaseDon’t use your mother tongue letters if they do not exist in English).
Zespol Szkol Nr 11
44-330 Jastrzebie Zdroj
ul. B. Czecha 20A
Tel./fax; +48 32 47613 02
Participants in the alphabetic order: Czech Republic, Hungary, Poland, Romania, Sweden Turkey. Let’s introduce our institution formally. The application form must be completed JOINTLY by the whole Partnership and all partners will receive a copy. Here on the blog we can write the full names of our institutions. (PleaseDon’t use your mother tongue letters if they do not exist in English).
Zespol Szkol Nr 11
44-330 Jastrzebie Zdroj
ul. B. Czecha 20A
Tel./fax; +48 32 47613 02
Welcome Romania!
A new school from Romania wants to join us. Welcome to Eden, Romania!
Here is an email from Maria:
We are School number 186 from Bucharest, Romania. Our school is called
"Elena Vacarescu" , it is a primary and secondary school
(students are from age 6 to 14). There are about
400 students, 20 classes in our school and 30 teachers. Web :
(Unfortunately only in Romanian).
We are glad to work with you to this project.
Our headteachers thinks the idea is very interesting. In our team work
Mathematics (me), Physics(one of the headteachers), Chemistry, Primary teachers
and English teacher.
Bucharest is the capital city. It is the largest city in Romania, located in
the southeast of the country. is a short presentation about our country and capital.
Best regards,
Maria Angheluta
Here is an email from Maria:
We are School number 186 from Bucharest, Romania. Our school is called
"Elena Vacarescu" , it is a primary and secondary school
(students are from age 6 to 14). There are about
400 students, 20 classes in our school and 30 teachers. Web :
(Unfortunately only in Romanian).
We are glad to work with you to this project.
Our headteachers thinks the idea is very interesting. In our team work
Mathematics (me), Physics(one of the headteachers), Chemistry, Primary teachers
and English teacher.
Bucharest is the capital city. It is the largest city in Romania, located in
the southeast of the country. is a short presentation about our country and capital.
Best regards,
Maria Angheluta
Monday, 19 January 2009
Hi, everybody from EDEN!
Nice to meet you!
I am an Assistant director of studies in a big school- 1029 students and 72 teachers. I have some experience in Socrates programme- Individual Mobilities and Study visits but I haven't been participated in School network. That's why I am worying at this moment...But I will try!
My town- Vratsa is in the North-west of Bulgaria. The population is about 100 000people. The surroundings are beautiful- high mountains and nice places....I hope to show them to you.
Best wishes,
Nice to meet you!
I am an Assistant director of studies in a big school- 1029 students and 72 teachers. I have some experience in Socrates programme- Individual Mobilities and Study visits but I haven't been participated in School network. That's why I am worying at this moment...But I will try!
My town- Vratsa is in the North-west of Bulgaria. The population is about 100 000people. The surroundings are beautiful- high mountains and nice places....I hope to show them to you.
Best wishes,
Sunday, 18 January 2009
Here you can see a photo taken by Ms. Maria Pacan, our teacher.
Here you can see a photo taken by Ms. Maria Pacan, our teacher.
It is neither stork, nor swallow, nor swift, nor cuckoo. Do you know this bird?
Our 7-9year-olds take part in the programme Spring Alive.
The Spring Alive project is a simple birdwatching survey. Thanks to children and adults all around Europe we are able to track the spring arrival every year. Participation is very simple and can be a great fun. All you need to do is register your first birds sightings on-line every year.
We are interested in your personal first observation of swallow, swift, cuckoo and stork. We analyse the results to track the arrival of spring every year and to find the week when most people have seen they firs birds. This knowledge will help us to find out about bird migrations in Europe.
Akcja Spring Alive koordynowana przez Ogólnopolskie Towarzystwo Ochrony Ptaków rozpoczyna się wraz z wiosennymi przylotami bociana białego, jaskółki dymówki, jerzyka i kukułki, poszukujących w Polsce najlepszych miejsc lęgowych i najzasobniejszych żerowisk.
Saturday, 17 January 2009
Saturday, 10 January 2009
Step 2
5. Description of proposed partnership
This section must be completed jointly by all institutions participating in the Partnership ...
5.3 objectives of the partnership
- What are the concrete objectives of the partnership?
- Explain what subjects or problems you intend to address.
- What approach will you take to achieve your objectives?
This section must be completed jointly by all institutions participating in the Partnership ...
5.3 objectives of the partnership
- What are the concrete objectives of the partnership?
- Explain what subjects or problems you intend to address.
- What approach will you take to achieve your objectives?
Tuesday, 6 January 2009
We Live in This Eden
First of all, I am very happy to be involved in this project.
We live in Fethiye, in the southwest of Turkey and is a coast by Mediterranean Sea. Fethiye is a touristic place and has 80.000 inhabitants. Fethiye is famous for Oludeniz Beach. People live mostly on tourism and agriculture. Our School has 650 students and 3 km away from city centre.
For more information about Fethiye;
Our School Web Site; (Unfortunately only in Turkish)
Welcome to EDEN!
It seems that our collaboration has just started. Turkay, could you hang a photo of your "eden" here?
Monday, 5 January 2009
Hungary in Eden (Sorry, Virtual)
In our school a team has been formed to work on the project. There are teachers for young learners, teachers of Science, Biology, Chemistry and Physics in the team. Every English teacher in our school has joined. Our headteacher thinks the idea is this project is very useful and he does want to work with it.
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