At the end of October 2009 the coordinator of the project was informed by the National Agency in Warsaw that the Turkish school had resigned officially from the project. This means the project will be carried out by four partner schools and the mobility to the Turkish school is not acceptable.
The coordinators' meeting fulfilled its purpose. Coordinators discussed in detail the mobilities and hung them on the wiki to be easily accessible for everyone. Ms. Elneus from Sweden was the honourable guest of Eden group and helped us with some technical problems with the wiki.
After the coordinators' meeting the thematic lessons have been conducted in all four schools. Herbaria have been done.
In November the international photo contest was organised and and each school organized a display of photographs. In December various events took place and photo reports have been presented on the wiki and blog. Season greetings made by students were sent to partner schools. Younger students started feeding and observing birds. Number of events raising environmental and everyday activities have been taken in all schools: trips: to the forest, The National Institute of Meteorology, the alternative sources of energy display and also lessons about healthy lifestyle.
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