The Drama Club and Ms Krystyna Szczęsny work hard to present a special school play to their guests during their visit. In the play two reporters – Connie and Harry – interview eight of the world’s worst air pollutants which are picketing the Environmental Protection Agency because they want to protest clean air legislation. You can experience these pollutants in the air in your area. They are : The Particulates, Carbon Monoxide, The Toxins, Sulfur Dioxide, Nitrogen Oxides, Bad Ozone, Good Ozone, and Chlorofluorocarbons. Do you know them in your languages?
The Awful EIGHT
Dioxide 1: Did we hear you mention our name? We didn't use to be thought of as a bad gas. About a hundred years ago, there was just the right amount of us in the air.
Dioxide 2: But then people started burning things-- they built power plants that burn coal and cars and trucks that burn gasoline. And they started cutting down and burning forests! Every bit of that burning releases us into the air.
Dioxide 1: As more and more of us got into the air, people started saying that the Earth was warming up-- because of us!
Dioxide 2: Yeah-- like it's our fault! (to audience) The reason you're in such a mess is because you use so much fuel and cut down so many trees!
Connie: You're right, Carbon Dioxide. Maybe we should be doing a special report on people-- we're the ones who are really causing air pollution.
Harry: But people can change! (turns to audience) How about you? Can you think of some ways that people can help fight air pollution? (Audience responds with ideas, such as ….???
Air Pollutants are very bad for human health. However, only people can change this dangerous situation. The audience needs to be prepared to answer the question: How can you help fight air pollution?
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