Sunday, 30 May 2010

Chlebem i solą

Arrival in JZ

The first group to arrive in Jastrzębie Zdrój were the Czech. In fact, we met our partners at the railway station in Zebrzydowice and took them to our homes.

Thursday, 27 May 2010

We are getting ready for the Polish meeting.

Czech students are getting ready for the Polish Comenius meeting. They have been working on some songs, mainly the EU anthem.
See you soon in Jastrzebie Zdroj!

and waiting

I am looking forward to seeing Klara and Miranda. Marcelina


I am waiting for Zuza. Octavia

Wednesday, 26 May 2010


We are working hard before your visit. Could you show us how you are preparing for the meeting? Joanna, Ola and Patrycja

Sunday, 23 May 2010


We are waiting with flowers and music.


Our houses are ready for our guests.


We have been working hard in our classroom.


"Heavy rain has caused many problems in the city." Despite the floods, we are waiting for our partners.

Tuesday, 18 May 2010

Multicultural Day in Dub nad Moravou

Students in Dub did not have common lessons on Friday 14th May. They participated in a whole school project called Welcome to Europe. At 5 workshops they became more familiar with culture, music, dances, history, geography, sports and languages of 4 European countries - Poland, Hungary, Romania and Sweden. These 4 countries were chosen as they have been our partners at Comenius projects.
Students liked the idea of getting information in this way and the main idea of Spring Day in Europe can be brought to life in this way too.

Wednesday, 12 May 2010

Spring in Eden

Photo: Marta Kiełkowska

Monday, 10 May 2010

A research trip to Comana Natural Park

On May 6th, with the support of the National Forests Agency Romsilva, a group of teachers and students in our school went on a trip to Comana Natural Park, which stretches on a surface of 25,000 hectares, to obseve not only a wide variety of birds and insects but also two protected species of plants: the wild peony and the thorn. It is said that the crown which was placed on the head of Jesus before his crucifixion was made from this type of thorn, being known as the Crown of Thorns.

Sunday, 9 May 2010

Czech - Polish matching.

The final list of Polish - Czech pairs. I hope all students will become good friends and will enjoy their stay at host families, first in Poland and then in the Czech Republic.

Agnieszka - Nikola
Sandra - Lenka
Oktawia - Zuzana
Marcelina - Klara Krabicova
Paulina - Klara Kovarova
Joanna - Tereza
Kacper - Marek

Wednesday, 5 May 2010


The Drama Club and Ms Krystyna Szczęsny work hard to present a special school play to their guests during their visit. In the play two reporters – Connie and Harry – interview eight of the world’s worst air pollutants which are picketing the Environmental Protection Agency because they want to protest clean air legislation. You can experience these pollutants in the air in your area. They are : The Particulates, Carbon Monoxide, The Toxins, Sulfur Dioxide, Nitrogen Oxides, Bad Ozone, Good Ozone, and Chlorofluorocarbons. Do you know them in your languages?

The Awful EIGHT
Dioxide 1: Did we hear you mention our name? We didn't use to be thought of as a bad gas. About a hundred years ago, there was just the right amount of us in the air.
Dioxide 2: But then people started burning things-- they built power plants that burn coal and cars and trucks that burn gasoline. And they started cutting down and burning forests! Every bit of that burning releases us into the air.
Dioxide 1: As more and more of us got into the air, people started saying that the Earth was warming up-- because of us!
Dioxide 2: Yeah-- like it's our fault! (to audience) The reason you're in such a mess is because you use so much fuel and cut down so many trees!

Connie: You're right, Carbon Dioxide. Maybe we should be doing a special report on people-- we're the ones who are really causing air pollution.
Harry: But people can change! (turns to audience) How about you? Can you think of some ways that people can help fight air pollution? (Audience responds with ideas, such as ….???
Air Pollutants are very bad for human health. However, only people can change this dangerous situation. The audience needs to be prepared to answer the question: How can you help fight air pollution?

Dissemination in JZ

28 marca 2010r. siedmioro uczniów wróciło z wizyty zorganizowanej w ramach programu Comenius. Katolicka szkoła -Szent Jozsef Katolikus Altalanos Iskola - w Kiskunhalas na Węgrzech przygotowała się bardzo starannie do przyjęcia gości z trzech krajów: Polski, Rumunii i Czech. Podczas pobytu braliśmy udział w normalnych lekcjach: języka angielskiego, matematyki, chemii, fizyki, przyrody, techniki, religii i wychowania fizycznego. Jako goście pokazaliśmy prezentację o naszym kraju, mieście i szkole. Wzięliśmy udział w obchodach Dnia Ziemi. Konnymi zaprzęgami pojechaliśmy na warsztaty ekologiczne do rezerwatu przyrody, gdzie mieliśmy za zadanie odszukać konkretne unikatowe rośliny i zwierzęta oraz sfotografować je. Na zakończenie dwugodzinnej wędrówki po zanikających moczarach musieliśmy wziąć udział w teście. Zwiedziliśmy miasto Szeged i byliśmy na koncercie w szkole muzycznej. Poznaliśmy sztukę ludową - obserwowaliśmy jak powstają wyjątkowe miejscowe koronki. Uczyliśmy się tańców węgierskich i próbowaliśmy węgierski gulasz. Na lekcji języka angielskiego wspólnie pracowaliśmy nad przedstawieniem o bocianach, które później wystawiliśmy dla międzynarodowej publiczności. Najważniejszym punktem programu było sadzenie drzew. W ten sposób zapoczątkowaliśmy Aleje Comeniusa.
Wszystkie trzy reprezentacje szkół bardzo wysoko oceniły swój pobyt. Ujęła nas świetna organizacja, zaangażowanie całej szkoły, ciekawe zajęcia a przede wszystkim serdeczność Węgrów – kolegów i koleżanek, nauczycieli i rodziców. W sobotę, 29 maja, przyjedzie do nas 18 uczniów i 13 nauczycieli.

On May, 4th, all teachers in ZS11 gathered to listen to the report about the Hungarian visit. Four teachers who spent five days in Kiskunhalas gave a detailed account of their visit and presented hundreds of photos on the big screen. Later a Comenius group of teachers discussed the program of an approaching visit in JZ. A short account was hung on the school website.

Tuesday, 4 May 2010


Lumea ta curată - Your clean environment

Hi Timea !

Thank you for fantastic time in Kiskunhalas and a wonderful party in your grandmother's garden .
Say Hello ! to your mother , father and all family . :D
I'm looking forward to your visit in Jastrzębie.

Paulina :)

To Alexanda

Hi Szasza !
Thank you for wonderful time . Your family was very friendly . ;)

Ilona from Jastrzębia Zdroju

To Babó !

Greetings from Jastrzębie! Thanks for your hospitality. Your mother is fantastic. Thanks Babo for a football match in your garden. Say Hello! to your sister, Parents and your sister's boyfriend ;D


Saturday, 1 May 2010

Czech group to Poland - photos.

Zuzana Obzinová
Klára Kovářová
Marek Voštinka
Klára Krabicová
Tereza Neubauerová
Nikola Skoupilová

Lenka Heinzová