Saturday, 14 February 2009

5.6 Impact and European Added Value

5.6 impact and european added value

What impact and benefits of European cooperation do you expect Partnership activities to have on persons (pupils and staff) and on the participating institutions?

Participation in the project will provide pupils with the knowledge about existing threats to the environment and teach them various ways of solving problems. Because of their participation in the project, pupils will become more creative as they will have to search for various sources of information, conduct research, and create the joint Wiki using Art competencies.

In addition, due to regular communication between partner schools, pupils will become more familiar with their attitude about solving important global problems like global warming, recycling, protection of environment and endangered animals.

The pupils will be provided with opportunities to compare and contrast their lives with other European children. They will become more familiar with local and traditional customs and daily habits in various countries of Europe; they will be able to overcome stereotypes and shape their personality to become more conscientious European citizens.

The project will familiarize pupils with other languages: Czech, Hungarian, Polish, Romanian, Swedish and Turkish. The linguistic aim of the project will enable the inclusion of a certain number of words and expressions of these languages into the WebQuest and the science and mathematics lessons prepared by members of the group.

Pupils, especially socially disadvantaged students whose access to the computers is limited only to schools, will use English and ICT to communicate with their peers in European countries. The ability to communicate with others using L2 and ICT will become a vital feature.

As citizens of the European Union, pupils and teachers will find out through project work what being a part of a large European family means, and their multicultural empathy will be intensified. School will gain prestige; it will be considered to be an educational institution which introduces its pupils to the European forum. The final results will enable to promote the school on a local stage and a European/world one. The teaching staff will have an opportunity to gain knowledge of European teachers' work, to improve their own linguistic competencies by participating in English courses and using other languages.

During the visits guest students and teachers will plant a tree, which will symbolise their country. This Comenius Alley will be under special care of hosting school students.

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