Thursday, 19 February 2009
The Little Golden Key

Monday, 16 February 2009
Saturday, 14 February 2009
5.11 Dissemination and use of results
5.11 dissemination and use of results
How will you disseminate and use the results, experiences and, where applicable, products of the Partnership?
- in the participating organisations?
- in the local communities?
The dissemination will be achieved at a national level towards the schools we are already in partnership with in other projects, towards the institutions which are in charge of long-lasting development and the environment and towards the authorities in this field. Parents will be informed about project activities through leaflets, posters, articles in school magazines or web sites, homework suggestions, and parent meetings. Displays of children’s photos will be presented in public places: public libraries, town/village halls, culture centres, churches, supermarkets. The members of the group project will publish a WebQuest on the Internet and share their expertise during courses/meeting for other teachers.
At an international level, we will disseminate the results of the project towards European schools through the e-Twinning network, presenting periodically the results obtained at the end of each stage. We also have in mind informing the European institutions and authorities concerned with the protection of the environment about the development of this project.
The instruments through which we will disseminate will be: leaflets, CDs, brochures in the language of the project (English) and in the languages spoken in the partner schools , and the Wiki. The conference will be the final form of dissemination where the final joint report on the consequences of the pollution of air, water and soil will be presented. Apart from the schools involved in the project, in this conference will also take part other schools or European institutions interested in the results of the project or which had similar research themes.
Each working stage and project visit will end up with an article in the local and national newspapers or in the magazines from the participating countries.
drf: must be checked
How will you disseminate and use the results, experiences and, where applicable, products of the Partnership?
- in the participating organisations?
- in the local communities?
The dissemination will be achieved at a national level towards the schools we are already in partnership with in other projects, towards the institutions which are in charge of long-lasting development and the environment and towards the authorities in this field. Parents will be informed about project activities through leaflets, posters, articles in school magazines or web sites, homework suggestions, and parent meetings. Displays of children’s photos will be presented in public places: public libraries, town/village halls, culture centres, churches, supermarkets. The members of the group project will publish a WebQuest on the Internet and share their expertise during courses/meeting for other teachers.
At an international level, we will disseminate the results of the project towards European schools through the e-Twinning network, presenting periodically the results obtained at the end of each stage. We also have in mind informing the European institutions and authorities concerned with the protection of the environment about the development of this project.
The instruments through which we will disseminate will be: leaflets, CDs, brochures in the language of the project (English) and in the languages spoken in the partner schools , and the Wiki. The conference will be the final form of dissemination where the final joint report on the consequences of the pollution of air, water and soil will be presented. Apart from the schools involved in the project, in this conference will also take part other schools or European institutions interested in the results of the project or which had similar research themes.
Each working stage and project visit will end up with an article in the local and national newspapers or in the magazines from the participating countries.
drf: must be checked
5.10 Integration into learning
5.10 integration into learning and/or other ongoing activities
If the project focuses on pupil involvement, please explain how the project will be integrated into the curriculum / learning activities of the participating pupils in each of the participating organisations.
If your partnership mainly deals with pedagogical or management issues, please explain how the project will be integrated into the ongoing activities of the participating organisations.
During the process of preparation the collaborating teachers focused on their national curricula, materials, methodologies and pedagogical strategies. They were aware that the project activities should be integrated into regular activities of the schools and be included in the curriculum of the participating students. The teachers recognised educational issues which exactingly corresponded with the areas encompassed in the subject of the project.
On regular basis pupils from the various schools will gain knowledge about natural environment and its potential dangers in various lessons. Working on the project in biology classes pupils not only learn how the scientific research is carried out. They will discuss various methods of doing experiment and how to collect and analyse results. The students will learn how to present qualitative and quantitative data in it is accessible for the community to understand. They will observe their nearby surroundings, take care of chosen plants; they will find out the role of eco-systems and conduct experiments. Older students will comment on the reliability and validity of their findings and possibly comment on previous findings in the area. They will observe the food chains and food webs that are on-going in the area and possibly discuss how a change in the natural surroundings will affect the energy flow. They will indicate the influence of pollution on the fauna and flora and they will present their proposals of the ways of prevention of pollution. In language lessons they will learn how to write reports and learn proper expressions in English. In physics lessons students will learn basic rules of optics. In mathematics they will solve mathematical problems as well as prepare similar ones in English for their European partners. In Art lessons and Photography classes students will learn various photographic techniques and the rules of presenting the world of Nature. In ICT lessons they will send email, work on blog and Wikis, search the Net for information, present their work in the Internet Photo Gallery; they will be able to compress the file of photographs independently. Ethic or religion lessons can be used to discuss about the ideal situation of a symbolic Eden and reality.
drf: must be checked
If the project focuses on pupil involvement, please explain how the project will be integrated into the curriculum / learning activities of the participating pupils in each of the participating organisations.
If your partnership mainly deals with pedagogical or management issues, please explain how the project will be integrated into the ongoing activities of the participating organisations.
During the process of preparation the collaborating teachers focused on their national curricula, materials, methodologies and pedagogical strategies. They were aware that the project activities should be integrated into regular activities of the schools and be included in the curriculum of the participating students. The teachers recognised educational issues which exactingly corresponded with the areas encompassed in the subject of the project.
On regular basis pupils from the various schools will gain knowledge about natural environment and its potential dangers in various lessons. Working on the project in biology classes pupils not only learn how the scientific research is carried out. They will discuss various methods of doing experiment and how to collect and analyse results. The students will learn how to present qualitative and quantitative data in it is accessible for the community to understand. They will observe their nearby surroundings, take care of chosen plants; they will find out the role of eco-systems and conduct experiments. Older students will comment on the reliability and validity of their findings and possibly comment on previous findings in the area. They will observe the food chains and food webs that are on-going in the area and possibly discuss how a change in the natural surroundings will affect the energy flow. They will indicate the influence of pollution on the fauna and flora and they will present their proposals of the ways of prevention of pollution. In language lessons they will learn how to write reports and learn proper expressions in English. In physics lessons students will learn basic rules of optics. In mathematics they will solve mathematical problems as well as prepare similar ones in English for their European partners. In Art lessons and Photography classes students will learn various photographic techniques and the rules of presenting the world of Nature. In ICT lessons they will send email, work on blog and Wikis, search the Net for information, present their work in the Internet Photo Gallery; they will be able to compress the file of photographs independently. Ethic or religion lessons can be used to discuss about the ideal situation of a symbolic Eden and reality.
drf: must be checked
5.9 active involvment
5.9 active involvement
If your partnership focuses mainly on pupil involvement, please explain to what extent they will be involved in the planning, implementation and evaluation of project activities.
And/or ...
After consultation with teachers and pupils, the Polish school submitted a proposal for the Virtual EDEN interdisciplinary project. On-line discussion between those working on the project showed that environment issue is present in all schools curriculum. On further discussion it evolved that all the teachers involved has a positive attitude towards fostering a respect for their environment. Students from countries who have participated so far in Comenius projects are extremely keen on the next project. They and their parents became true ambassadors of Comenius programme. All schools have the support of their authorities who realise benefits of having a school involved in a programme on the European level.
The analysis of the proposal led to the mind map addressing most of school subjects and optional activities: (native language, foreign language, mathematics, arts and crafts, biology, chemistry, religion/ethics, environmental education, new technologies and photography classes/clubs). Teachers of these subjects agreed to conduct lessons proposing their own ideas incorporating the ideas related to the protection of the environment. Teachers of mathematics will encourage their students to participate in International Mathematics Competition, which they will organise jointly. This will give the students an opportunity to compare their achievements on the European level. Environmentally aware students are especially looking forward to the collaboration of their ideas with their partners. They will understand their own role in the protection of the environment and learn to use their student voice through the media.
The younger pupils will be acquainted with the process of growing plants. They will take care of their own little garden, observe weather and birds and keep their observation diary. They will present their work on the Internet. The older pupils will concentrate on the scientific aspect of the project. Resting on environmental topics students will independently create mathematical problems for their pals from partner schools. The Wiki and WebQuest method will encourage them to work as a team. Pupils will plan specific tasks, work in groups, take part in competitions/ quizzes, make evaluations and self-evaluations. They will evaluate each other reports on the natural environment. All students will be involved in learning about collaborating countries.
drf: must be checked
If your partnership focuses mainly on pupil involvement, please explain to what extent they will be involved in the planning, implementation and evaluation of project activities.
And/or ...
After consultation with teachers and pupils, the Polish school submitted a proposal for the Virtual EDEN interdisciplinary project. On-line discussion between those working on the project showed that environment issue is present in all schools curriculum. On further discussion it evolved that all the teachers involved has a positive attitude towards fostering a respect for their environment. Students from countries who have participated so far in Comenius projects are extremely keen on the next project. They and their parents became true ambassadors of Comenius programme. All schools have the support of their authorities who realise benefits of having a school involved in a programme on the European level.
The analysis of the proposal led to the mind map addressing most of school subjects and optional activities: (native language, foreign language, mathematics, arts and crafts, biology, chemistry, religion/ethics, environmental education, new technologies and photography classes/clubs). Teachers of these subjects agreed to conduct lessons proposing their own ideas incorporating the ideas related to the protection of the environment. Teachers of mathematics will encourage their students to participate in International Mathematics Competition, which they will organise jointly. This will give the students an opportunity to compare their achievements on the European level. Environmentally aware students are especially looking forward to the collaboration of their ideas with their partners. They will understand their own role in the protection of the environment and learn to use their student voice through the media.
The younger pupils will be acquainted with the process of growing plants. They will take care of their own little garden, observe weather and birds and keep their observation diary. They will present their work on the Internet. The older pupils will concentrate on the scientific aspect of the project. Resting on environmental topics students will independently create mathematical problems for their pals from partner schools. The Wiki and WebQuest method will encourage them to work as a team. Pupils will plan specific tasks, work in groups, take part in competitions/ quizzes, make evaluations and self-evaluations. They will evaluate each other reports on the natural environment. All students will be involved in learning about collaborating countries.
drf: must be checked
5.8 Evaluation
5.8 evaluation
How will you evaluate, during and after the Partnership, whether the aims of the partnership have been met and the expected impact has been achieved?
While carrying out the project, we will use e-mail, ordinary mail, and we will connect with participating colleagues using Skype or Messenger calls, chats and conferences. At the project meetings we will analyse individual contributions of participating teachers to the project activities and emphasize the importance of everybody being fully involved in the process of decision-making including the formulation of necessary conclusions. Evaluation of the progress of the partnership and its impact on the participating pupils and teachers, including the participating institutions, will be maintained. We will use our evaluation tools: discussions, observation, e-mail, questionnaires and interviews. We will evaluate during personal visits to participating countries and through the students’ level of involvement and enthusiasm. All pupils will be able to conduct an experiment on their own which will be proved by writing their individual reports; they will be able to take good photos which will be substantiated when their photos are included into the joint product – The Virtual EDEN.
To ascertain students´ opinions, attitudes and contributions to project ideas, questionnaires and interviews will be used. The use of various methods of media and ICT will enable the students to evaluate the project and to express their opinions on the project blog page. An English test/competition will be organized to assess pupils' English level of competence regarding CEF. Pupils will be able to write e-mail all by themselves to their partners. Each participating school will establish project portfolios containing representative pieces of textual, art, electronic, photographic and other work connected with our project. We will use our Wiki as an e-portfolio. In that way we will encourage collaborative learning and information sharing and increase the students’ engagement and participation. The portfolio will contain not only copies of exchanged items, and descriptions of all included activities, but also responses published in the local press and other documents of how was the project publicized.
The final effect will be further collaboration and preparation of new projects in LLP.
How will you evaluate, during and after the Partnership, whether the aims of the partnership have been met and the expected impact has been achieved?
While carrying out the project, we will use e-mail, ordinary mail, and we will connect with participating colleagues using Skype or Messenger calls, chats and conferences. At the project meetings we will analyse individual contributions of participating teachers to the project activities and emphasize the importance of everybody being fully involved in the process of decision-making including the formulation of necessary conclusions. Evaluation of the progress of the partnership and its impact on the participating pupils and teachers, including the participating institutions, will be maintained. We will use our evaluation tools: discussions, observation, e-mail, questionnaires and interviews. We will evaluate during personal visits to participating countries and through the students’ level of involvement and enthusiasm. All pupils will be able to conduct an experiment on their own which will be proved by writing their individual reports; they will be able to take good photos which will be substantiated when their photos are included into the joint product – The Virtual EDEN.
To ascertain students´ opinions, attitudes and contributions to project ideas, questionnaires and interviews will be used. The use of various methods of media and ICT will enable the students to evaluate the project and to express their opinions on the project blog page. An English test/competition will be organized to assess pupils' English level of competence regarding CEF. Pupils will be able to write e-mail all by themselves to their partners. Each participating school will establish project portfolios containing representative pieces of textual, art, electronic, photographic and other work connected with our project. We will use our Wiki as an e-portfolio. In that way we will encourage collaborative learning and information sharing and increase the students’ engagement and participation. The portfolio will contain not only copies of exchanged items, and descriptions of all included activities, but also responses published in the local press and other documents of how was the project publicized.
The final effect will be further collaboration and preparation of new projects in LLP.
5.8 Evaluation
5.8 evaluation
How will you evaluate, during and after the Partnership, whether the aims of the partnership have been met and the expected impact has been achieved?
While carrying out the project, we will use e-mail, ordinary mail, and we will connect with participating colleagues using Skype or Messenger calls, chats and conferences. At the project meetings we will analyse individual contributions of participating teachers to the project activities and emphasize the importance of everybody being fully involved in the process of decision-making including the formulation of necessary conclusions. Evaluation of the progress of the partnership and its impact on the participating pupils and teachers, including the participating institutions, will be maintained. We will use our evaluation tools: discussions, observation, e-mail, questionnaires and interviews. We will evaluate during personal visits to participating countries and through the students’ level of involvement and enthusiasm. All pupils will be able to conduct an experiment on their own which will be proved by writing their individual reports; they will be able to take good photos which will be substantiated when their photos are included into the joint product – The Virtual EDEN.
To ascertain students´ opinions, attitudes and contributions to project ideas, questionnaires and interviews will be used. The use of various methods of media and ICT will enable the students to evaluate the project and to express their opinions on the project blog page. An English test/competition will be organized to assess pupils' English level of competence regarding CEF. Pupils will be able to write e-mail all by themselves to their partners. Each participating school will establish project portfolios containing representative pieces of textual, art, electronic, photographic and other work connected with our project. We will use our Wiki as an e-portfolio. In that way we will encourage collaborative learning and information sharing and increase the students’ engagement and participation. The portfolio will contain not only copies of exchanged items, and descriptions of all included activities, but also responses published in the local press and other documents of how was the project publicized.
The final effect will be further collaboration and preparation of new projects in LLP.
How will you evaluate, during and after the Partnership, whether the aims of the partnership have been met and the expected impact has been achieved?
While carrying out the project, we will use e-mail, ordinary mail, and we will connect with participating colleagues using Skype or Messenger calls, chats and conferences. At the project meetings we will analyse individual contributions of participating teachers to the project activities and emphasize the importance of everybody being fully involved in the process of decision-making including the formulation of necessary conclusions. Evaluation of the progress of the partnership and its impact on the participating pupils and teachers, including the participating institutions, will be maintained. We will use our evaluation tools: discussions, observation, e-mail, questionnaires and interviews. We will evaluate during personal visits to participating countries and through the students’ level of involvement and enthusiasm. All pupils will be able to conduct an experiment on their own which will be proved by writing their individual reports; they will be able to take good photos which will be substantiated when their photos are included into the joint product – The Virtual EDEN.
To ascertain students´ opinions, attitudes and contributions to project ideas, questionnaires and interviews will be used. The use of various methods of media and ICT will enable the students to evaluate the project and to express their opinions on the project blog page. An English test/competition will be organized to assess pupils' English level of competence regarding CEF. Pupils will be able to write e-mail all by themselves to their partners. Each participating school will establish project portfolios containing representative pieces of textual, art, electronic, photographic and other work connected with our project. We will use our Wiki as an e-portfolio. In that way we will encourage collaborative learning and information sharing and increase the students’ engagement and participation. The portfolio will contain not only copies of exchanged items, and descriptions of all included activities, but also responses published in the local press and other documents of how was the project publicized.
The final effect will be further collaboration and preparation of new projects in LLP.
5.6 Impact and European Added Value
5.6 impact and european added value
What impact and benefits of European cooperation do you expect Partnership activities to have on persons (pupils and staff) and on the participating institutions?
Participation in the project will provide pupils with the knowledge about existing threats to the environment and teach them various ways of solving problems. Because of their participation in the project, pupils will become more creative as they will have to search for various sources of information, conduct research, and create the joint Wiki using Art competencies.
In addition, due to regular communication between partner schools, pupils will become more familiar with their attitude about solving important global problems like global warming, recycling, protection of environment and endangered animals.
The pupils will be provided with opportunities to compare and contrast their lives with other European children. They will become more familiar with local and traditional customs and daily habits in various countries of Europe; they will be able to overcome stereotypes and shape their personality to become more conscientious European citizens.
The project will familiarize pupils with other languages: Czech, Hungarian, Polish, Romanian, Swedish and Turkish. The linguistic aim of the project will enable the inclusion of a certain number of words and expressions of these languages into the WebQuest and the science and mathematics lessons prepared by members of the group.
Pupils, especially socially disadvantaged students whose access to the computers is limited only to schools, will use English and ICT to communicate with their peers in European countries. The ability to communicate with others using L2 and ICT will become a vital feature.
As citizens of the European Union, pupils and teachers will find out through project work what being a part of a large European family means, and their multicultural empathy will be intensified. School will gain prestige; it will be considered to be an educational institution which introduces its pupils to the European forum. The final results will enable to promote the school on a local stage and a European/world one. The teaching staff will have an opportunity to gain knowledge of European teachers' work, to improve their own linguistic competencies by participating in English courses and using other languages.
During the visits guest students and teachers will plant a tree, which will symbolise their country. This Comenius Alley will be under special care of hosting school students.
What impact and benefits of European cooperation do you expect Partnership activities to have on persons (pupils and staff) and on the participating institutions?
Participation in the project will provide pupils with the knowledge about existing threats to the environment and teach them various ways of solving problems. Because of their participation in the project, pupils will become more creative as they will have to search for various sources of information, conduct research, and create the joint Wiki using Art competencies.
In addition, due to regular communication between partner schools, pupils will become more familiar with their attitude about solving important global problems like global warming, recycling, protection of environment and endangered animals.
The pupils will be provided with opportunities to compare and contrast their lives with other European children. They will become more familiar with local and traditional customs and daily habits in various countries of Europe; they will be able to overcome stereotypes and shape their personality to become more conscientious European citizens.
The project will familiarize pupils with other languages: Czech, Hungarian, Polish, Romanian, Swedish and Turkish. The linguistic aim of the project will enable the inclusion of a certain number of words and expressions of these languages into the WebQuest and the science and mathematics lessons prepared by members of the group.
Pupils, especially socially disadvantaged students whose access to the computers is limited only to schools, will use English and ICT to communicate with their peers in European countries. The ability to communicate with others using L2 and ICT will become a vital feature.
As citizens of the European Union, pupils and teachers will find out through project work what being a part of a large European family means, and their multicultural empathy will be intensified. School will gain prestige; it will be considered to be an educational institution which introduces its pupils to the European forum. The final results will enable to promote the school on a local stage and a European/world one. The teaching staff will have an opportunity to gain knowledge of European teachers' work, to improve their own linguistic competencies by participating in English courses and using other languages.
During the visits guest students and teachers will plant a tree, which will symbolise their country. This Comenius Alley will be under special care of hosting school students.
5.5 Cooperation and Communication
5.5 cooperation and communication
Please explain how effective cooperation and communication between participating institutions will be organised.
Four members of the group project have worked on other projects (e.g. eTwinning, Comenius ). We have established means of communication which enable us to contact quickly and efficiently. On 20 December 2008 we set up a blog: http://baltazar-eden.blogspot.com/. Its aim is to help new partners to be fully engaged into the collaboration on preparation of activities. During the teamwork we recognised our personal attributes and potentials of our school (teachers, pupils, and the ICT equipment). The plan of our project, as much as the calendar of activities, will facilitate the advancement of the project. The participating schools will be in contact through electronic and ordinary mail, telephone, personal visits or other means of communication. Pupils will be posting Blogs, which will be additional control points and incentives for intensive work. After being accepted, at the beginning of the school year we will organise the video conference. Next we are planning video conferences four times a year. Each school will have its coordinator who will keep close contact with coordinators of other schools. Once every three months all coordinators will send reports and other materials to the general coordinator of the project who will publish them on the web site. At the end of the project all of the schools representatives and coordinating teachers will meet together to evaluate the results, benefits and contributions and to plan possible future cooperation.
drf; it wasn't changed.
Please explain how effective cooperation and communication between participating institutions will be organised.
Four members of the group project have worked on other projects (e.g. eTwinning, Comenius ). We have established means of communication which enable us to contact quickly and efficiently. On 20 December 2008 we set up a blog: http://baltazar-eden.blogspot.com/. Its aim is to help new partners to be fully engaged into the collaboration on preparation of activities. During the teamwork we recognised our personal attributes and potentials of our school (teachers, pupils, and the ICT equipment). The plan of our project, as much as the calendar of activities, will facilitate the advancement of the project. The participating schools will be in contact through electronic and ordinary mail, telephone, personal visits or other means of communication. Pupils will be posting Blogs, which will be additional control points and incentives for intensive work. After being accepted, at the beginning of the school year we will organise the video conference. Next we are planning video conferences four times a year. Each school will have its coordinator who will keep close contact with coordinators of other schools. Once every three months all coordinators will send reports and other materials to the general coordinator of the project who will publish them on the web site. At the end of the project all of the schools representatives and coordinating teachers will meet together to evaluate the results, benefits and contributions and to plan possible future cooperation.
drf; it wasn't changed.
5.4 Partnership and distribution of tasks
5.4 partnership and distribution of tasks
Please explain the distribution of tasks between participating institutions and the competences required from each of them. Also explain how you will ensure the active involvement of all partners in common partnership activities.
To carry out all aspects of the work programme, the group project divided responsibilities as follows: the Polish school is responsible for coordination of the project on the international level and for educational aspects of the project; the Czech school is responsible for evaluation; the Hungarian school is responsible for mobilities; the Romanian school is responsible for dissemination; the Swedish school is responsible for ICT and innovation aspects of the project aspects; and the Turkish school is responsible for the Art aspects of the project.
In each school there is a teacher-coordinator who will organize activities and efficiently supervise the completion of the tasks that are listed in the work programme; she will collaborate with the Project Group partners. Each coordinator, in addition to working on the project, will arrange the international visit to their school, oversee pupils who will prepare materials, and work with parents and mass media.
The Swedish school has a lot of experience working with ICT in education and has good resources for that purpose. Therefore its contribution concerning ICT will be significant; it will start setting up a Wiki for the project. The Swedish and Polish schools will jointly prepare a WebQuest addressing the harmful influences on the environment. The WebQuest will be integrated in all participating schools in Science lessons. The Polish school will take charge of collaboratively writing the final report using the conducted research.
The Czech school will deal with questionnaires, analyse them and publish the results. Besides being in charge of mobilities, the Hungarian school will especially help the Romanian and Turkish schools who will participate for the first time in the Comenius project. The Hungarian school will also publicize the Spring Alive action to all students participating in the Virtual EDEN project.
The Turkish school and the Polish school will work together to formulate the rules of the photo competitions for the best photographs, and publish them on the internet. They will initiate various exhibitions and supervise the creation of the Virtual EDEN – the joint product after the first year of carrying out the Comenius project. The Romanian school will document dissemination of the project and the outcomes resulting from the students' research. It will be responsible for setting up mathematics lessons, which will use interesting context and non-conventional methods.
The teachers involved in the project activities at each school will take control of carrying all planned activities out, keeping the approved time schedule and sending the products to all participating countries. All the staff involved in the project in each school will work according to their own school project activity and time schedule generated before the project initiation. All activities will be arranged in advance and set to a planned schedule that will be decided before the project is launched.
A blog has been set up for this project at http://baltazar-eden.blogspot.com/. A blog is a tool which allows participation and engagement of all participating schools in an easy and fast way. The Wiki will be another tool used to determine the active involvement of all participating institutions. A reliable and attractive Wiki can the result in a collaboration which combines scientific reliability and artistic imagination. Our common goal is to create such a Wiki.
Please explain the distribution of tasks between participating institutions and the competences required from each of them. Also explain how you will ensure the active involvement of all partners in common partnership activities.
To carry out all aspects of the work programme, the group project divided responsibilities as follows: the Polish school is responsible for coordination of the project on the international level and for educational aspects of the project; the Czech school is responsible for evaluation; the Hungarian school is responsible for mobilities; the Romanian school is responsible for dissemination; the Swedish school is responsible for ICT and innovation aspects of the project aspects; and the Turkish school is responsible for the Art aspects of the project.
In each school there is a teacher-coordinator who will organize activities and efficiently supervise the completion of the tasks that are listed in the work programme; she will collaborate with the Project Group partners. Each coordinator, in addition to working on the project, will arrange the international visit to their school, oversee pupils who will prepare materials, and work with parents and mass media.
The Swedish school has a lot of experience working with ICT in education and has good resources for that purpose. Therefore its contribution concerning ICT will be significant; it will start setting up a Wiki for the project. The Swedish and Polish schools will jointly prepare a WebQuest addressing the harmful influences on the environment. The WebQuest will be integrated in all participating schools in Science lessons. The Polish school will take charge of collaboratively writing the final report using the conducted research.
The Czech school will deal with questionnaires, analyse them and publish the results. Besides being in charge of mobilities, the Hungarian school will especially help the Romanian and Turkish schools who will participate for the first time in the Comenius project. The Hungarian school will also publicize the Spring Alive action to all students participating in the Virtual EDEN project.
The Turkish school and the Polish school will work together to formulate the rules of the photo competitions for the best photographs, and publish them on the internet. They will initiate various exhibitions and supervise the creation of the Virtual EDEN – the joint product after the first year of carrying out the Comenius project. The Romanian school will document dissemination of the project and the outcomes resulting from the students' research. It will be responsible for setting up mathematics lessons, which will use interesting context and non-conventional methods.
The teachers involved in the project activities at each school will take control of carrying all planned activities out, keeping the approved time schedule and sending the products to all participating countries. All the staff involved in the project in each school will work according to their own school project activity and time schedule generated before the project initiation. All activities will be arranged in advance and set to a planned schedule that will be decided before the project is launched.
A blog has been set up for this project at http://baltazar-eden.blogspot.com/. A blog is a tool which allows participation and engagement of all participating schools in an easy and fast way. The Wiki will be another tool used to determine the active involvement of all participating institutions. A reliable and attractive Wiki can the result in a collaboration which combines scientific reliability and artistic imagination. Our common goal is to create such a Wiki.
5.3 Objectives_final
5.3 objectives of the partnership
- What are the concrete objectives of the partnership?
- Explain what subjects or problems you intend to address.
- What approach will you take to achieve your objectives?
The goal of this Comenius School Partnerships Project is to conduct research on the environment which we live and to create a Virtual EDEN while developing KEY COMPETENCIES.
The basic objectives of the Virtual EDEN project are:
1.Communication in mother tongue
- To promote creative writing - pupils will be able to compose a text: purposefully, logically, coherently, and using various styles; they will be able to write a story about a fictional hero, a comic, an interview and a report.
2.Communication in foreign language
- To promote the learning of a foreign language and to focus on linguistic diversity, pupils will be able to introduce themselves in various languages and use some social expressions in certain circumstances as well as write emails.
- To promote teachers’ linguistic skills teachers will be able to communicate with teachers from partner schools and to converse in English, on a basic level, on professional topics.
3. Maths literacy; scientific competence + technology
- To make mathematics more engaging, the project method will be applied. Pupils will independently create extra problems for their pals in partner schools; pupils will do calculations to make a report, which will be posted on the Internet.
- To apply integrated knowledge and abilities for solving problems. Pupils will be able to analyse a problem, create and work out a plan of solution and present outcome.
- To determine the goal and describe facts, relationship and dependency, pupils will be able to identify regularity in processes and systems, they will be able to indicate the influence of pollution on the environment.
4. ICT skills
- Pupils will be able to set up a blog, send an email, participate in Wikis, upload the photos
- To promote teachers’ ICT skills and knowledge, teachers will be able to use an interactive board, make a Power Point presentation, create digital content and use an interactive board.
- Pupils will be able to improve their ability to use photography equipment; pupils will be able to use various lenses depending on the type of photography; pupils will apply their knowledge about perspective and composition; and they will be able to compress files.
5. Learning-to-learn
- To improve motivation for learning and learning to learn new skills, pupils will be able to use various sources of information, write a report based on their own research, and work in teams.
6. Interpersonal and civic competences
- To initially provide pupils with ‘transversal’ key competences, teachers will develop an innovative method of team work – CLIL. Biology and mathematics lessons will be partially conducted in English.
- To promote positive attitudes about ecology, openness and curiosity.
The theme of the Project is the natural environment with its existing potential dangers and the optimum ideal state for the land to reach its fullest potential. The project will encourage the students and teachers involved to adapt a more active pro-ecology attitude about their environment in Europe.
CLIL and WebQuest methods will be used with older students: they will learn to work in a group, use various sources of information, use English and use ICT. In Biology /Science lessons students will learn about the state of the environment in their area. They will conduct some research on the consequences of the pollution of air, water, and soil. They will determine the acidity of the soil and the concentration of sulphuric acid in the air. The teachers of other subjects are included in the project: Chemistry – analysis of water; Geography – drawing the maps; Mathematics – solving problems and presenting them as diagrams, tangrams. Students will present their results to the local authorities responsible for the environmental protection and to the local community.
During the project's timeline, students will search for the most typical and/ or most unique tree. They will make a record of the chosen item/ tree e.g. height/ width/ age/ population in its native country. Students who are artistically talented will take photos of or draw these trees. The photos will be the basis for the creation of the Virtual EDEN on the Internet. ICT skills will be improved while constructing the Wiki, searching for information and communicating via blog and Skype. The digital camera and video camera will be used for documentation, and the interactive board will be used in lessons and the documentation of the project.
Younger pupils at schools, if they attend, will be joined by the International Stork Club. They will set up mini-gardens, conduct the weather observation activities and bird watching, participate in Spring Alive - the European Programme, draw and write a joint book/ comic, and integrate ICT. All their activities and results will be documented on the blog / the Wiki.
The use of English during mobilities and everyday communication will encourage students to learn it more intensively. The project gives the opportunity to learn less widely used languages. Students will create thematic mini-dictionaries and be conscious of Latin as a language of Science. The lichen scale which is a scientific tool in research is easy to use when the Latin names are applied.
Because of the collaboration of teachers of various subjects from partner countries, they will have an opportunity to compare their curriculum, share their expertise, and improve foreign languages. They will jointly prepare Science and Mathematics lessons using the WebQuest method.
Teachers of Mathematics will have an opportunity to compare their methods and their effectiveness during the International Mathematics Competition arranged jointly by them.
- What are the concrete objectives of the partnership?
- Explain what subjects or problems you intend to address.
- What approach will you take to achieve your objectives?
The goal of this Comenius School Partnerships Project is to conduct research on the environment which we live and to create a Virtual EDEN while developing KEY COMPETENCIES.
The basic objectives of the Virtual EDEN project are:
1.Communication in mother tongue
- To promote creative writing - pupils will be able to compose a text: purposefully, logically, coherently, and using various styles; they will be able to write a story about a fictional hero, a comic, an interview and a report.
2.Communication in foreign language
- To promote the learning of a foreign language and to focus on linguistic diversity, pupils will be able to introduce themselves in various languages and use some social expressions in certain circumstances as well as write emails.
- To promote teachers’ linguistic skills teachers will be able to communicate with teachers from partner schools and to converse in English, on a basic level, on professional topics.
3. Maths literacy; scientific competence + technology
- To make mathematics more engaging, the project method will be applied. Pupils will independently create extra problems for their pals in partner schools; pupils will do calculations to make a report, which will be posted on the Internet.
- To apply integrated knowledge and abilities for solving problems. Pupils will be able to analyse a problem, create and work out a plan of solution and present outcome.
- To determine the goal and describe facts, relationship and dependency, pupils will be able to identify regularity in processes and systems, they will be able to indicate the influence of pollution on the environment.
4. ICT skills
- Pupils will be able to set up a blog, send an email, participate in Wikis, upload the photos
- To promote teachers’ ICT skills and knowledge, teachers will be able to use an interactive board, make a Power Point presentation, create digital content and use an interactive board.
- Pupils will be able to improve their ability to use photography equipment; pupils will be able to use various lenses depending on the type of photography; pupils will apply their knowledge about perspective and composition; and they will be able to compress files.
5. Learning-to-learn
- To improve motivation for learning and learning to learn new skills, pupils will be able to use various sources of information, write a report based on their own research, and work in teams.
6. Interpersonal and civic competences
- To initially provide pupils with ‘transversal’ key competences, teachers will develop an innovative method of team work – CLIL. Biology and mathematics lessons will be partially conducted in English.
- To promote positive attitudes about ecology, openness and curiosity.
The theme of the Project is the natural environment with its existing potential dangers and the optimum ideal state for the land to reach its fullest potential. The project will encourage the students and teachers involved to adapt a more active pro-ecology attitude about their environment in Europe.
CLIL and WebQuest methods will be used with older students: they will learn to work in a group, use various sources of information, use English and use ICT. In Biology /Science lessons students will learn about the state of the environment in their area. They will conduct some research on the consequences of the pollution of air, water, and soil. They will determine the acidity of the soil and the concentration of sulphuric acid in the air. The teachers of other subjects are included in the project: Chemistry – analysis of water; Geography – drawing the maps; Mathematics – solving problems and presenting them as diagrams, tangrams. Students will present their results to the local authorities responsible for the environmental protection and to the local community.
During the project's timeline, students will search for the most typical and/ or most unique tree. They will make a record of the chosen item/ tree e.g. height/ width/ age/ population in its native country. Students who are artistically talented will take photos of or draw these trees. The photos will be the basis for the creation of the Virtual EDEN on the Internet. ICT skills will be improved while constructing the Wiki, searching for information and communicating via blog and Skype. The digital camera and video camera will be used for documentation, and the interactive board will be used in lessons and the documentation of the project.
Younger pupils at schools, if they attend, will be joined by the International Stork Club. They will set up mini-gardens, conduct the weather observation activities and bird watching, participate in Spring Alive - the European Programme, draw and write a joint book/ comic, and integrate ICT. All their activities and results will be documented on the blog / the Wiki.
The use of English during mobilities and everyday communication will encourage students to learn it more intensively. The project gives the opportunity to learn less widely used languages. Students will create thematic mini-dictionaries and be conscious of Latin as a language of Science. The lichen scale which is a scientific tool in research is easy to use when the Latin names are applied.
Because of the collaboration of teachers of various subjects from partner countries, they will have an opportunity to compare their curriculum, share their expertise, and improve foreign languages. They will jointly prepare Science and Mathematics lessons using the WebQuest method.
Teachers of Mathematics will have an opportunity to compare their methods and their effectiveness during the International Mathematics Competition arranged jointly by them.
Tuesday, 10 February 2009
The calendar of important days
I think it is useful!
The calendar of important days:
16th September-The International Day of Ozone Layer Protection
25th September-The International Day of the Marine Environment
4th October- Animals' Day
31st October- The International Day of the Black Sea
2nd February-The International Day of Damp Areas
14th March- Pi Day (the Day of the number pi)
15th March-15 April -Forest Month
21st March- The International Forest Day
22nd March -World Water Day
23rd March-World Meteorology Day
1st April- Birds' Day
22nd April- Earth Day
the second Saturday in May-The International Day of Migratory Birds
15th May- The International Day of Climate Action
22nd May- The International Biodiversity Day
5th June- World Environment Day8th June- World Ocean Day
17 June-World Day to Combat Desertification and Drought
29th June- The Danube Day
The calendar of important days:
16th September-The International Day of Ozone Layer Protection
25th September-The International Day of the Marine Environment
4th October- Animals' Day
31st October- The International Day of the Black Sea
2nd February-The International Day of Damp Areas
14th March- Pi Day (the Day of the number pi)
15th March-15 April -Forest Month
21st March- The International Forest Day
22nd March -World Water Day
23rd March-World Meteorology Day
1st April- Birds' Day
22nd April- Earth Day
the second Saturday in May-The International Day of Migratory Birds
15th May- The International Day of Climate Action
22nd May- The International Biodiversity Day
5th June- World Environment Day8th June- World Ocean Day
17 June-World Day to Combat Desertification and Drought
29th June- The Danube Day
Sunday, 8 February 2009
Sweden and Czech Rep. in Poland
Kromka - Slice
Saturday, 7 February 2009
Kraków - Cracow
From Exeter to EDEN

Goodbye England!
Julia and me met for the first time in Exeter in 2006. We both took part in the course for English teachers "Developing Oral Fluency in the English Language Classroom". When we said Goodbye! to each other and to England we knew we would meet one day. Next year Julia visited me in Cracow. Although due to her earlier commitment her school isn't participating in the Comenius project "A Slice of Bread" , we both hope to meet in EDEN.
Wednesday, 4 February 2009
Where? When? _Mobilities
Sept.2009______Oct - 1meeting __________Dec. 2009
Jan.2010______April - 2 meeting ________May - 3 meeting____2009
June 2010______holidays _________Sept. 2010
Sept.2010_________Oct.X -4 meeting__________Dec.2010
Jan.2011__________May- 5 meeting______June – 6 meeting
___________ the END.
Jan.2010______April - 2 meeting ________May - 3 meeting____2009
June 2010______holidays _________Sept. 2010
Sept.2010_________Oct.X -4 meeting__________Dec.2010
Jan.2011__________May- 5 meeting______June – 6 meeting
___________ the END.
Monday, 2 February 2009
From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
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A wiki is a type of website that lets anyone create and edit its pages. The word is Internet slang. The word Wiki is short for WikiWikiWeb. Wikiwiki is a word from Hawaiian, meaning "fast" or "speed". Examples of wiki include Wikipedia, Anarchopedia, Conservapedia etc.
Every wiki can be changed, or edited by everyone, although some important pages cannot be changed by anyone. Wikis are central places where we all can share information with each other, people can add new information, and then people read them. Wikis allow information from all around the world to be collection.
In a wiki, people can write pages together. If one person writes something wrong, then the next person can correct it. The next person can also add something new to the page. Because of this, the page gets better whenever someone changes it. If someone writes information that is very obviously wrong, and the person actually wanted to vandalise, it would be changed by administrators, and the person will not be able to change the wiki anymore.
People can discuss there as well. Discussion can make people understand things better, or gives people a chance to tell their views. In Wikipedia the talk pages are for that, but in some wikis, the article and the discussion are in the same page.
Wikis can be used for different things and all wikis don't follow the same rules for using them. For example, the purpose of Wikipedia is to write articles, which form an encyclopedia. That's why in Wikipedia, people don't want to hear general discussion that doesn't help in writing articles.
Ward Cunningham started the first wiki in March 1995. Many people liked the place and wrote there, after which they started similar websites.
From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
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A wiki is a type of website that lets anyone create and edit its pages. The word is Internet slang. The word Wiki is short for WikiWikiWeb. Wikiwiki is a word from Hawaiian, meaning "fast" or "speed". Examples of wiki include Wikipedia, Anarchopedia, Conservapedia etc.
Every wiki can be changed, or edited by everyone, although some important pages cannot be changed by anyone. Wikis are central places where we all can share information with each other, people can add new information, and then people read them. Wikis allow information from all around the world to be collection.
In a wiki, people can write pages together. If one person writes something wrong, then the next person can correct it. The next person can also add something new to the page. Because of this, the page gets better whenever someone changes it. If someone writes information that is very obviously wrong, and the person actually wanted to vandalise, it would be changed by administrators, and the person will not be able to change the wiki anymore.
People can discuss there as well. Discussion can make people understand things better, or gives people a chance to tell their views. In Wikipedia the talk pages are for that, but in some wikis, the article and the discussion are in the same page.
Wikis can be used for different things and all wikis don't follow the same rules for using them. For example, the purpose of Wikipedia is to write articles, which form an encyclopedia. That's why in Wikipedia, people don't want to hear general discussion that doesn't help in writing articles.
Ward Cunningham started the first wiki in March 1995. Many people liked the place and wrote there, after which they started similar websites.
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