Wednesday, 31 March 2010

A Night with Andersen in Dub.

Friday 26th March was an important day for children from grade 5. They were happy to participate in a traditional cultural event called A Night with Andersen. Twenty boys and girls spent an evening full of games, but the main point of the programme was introducing their favourite books , reading short parts aloud or playing drama based on the book story. In the end of the pleasant evening each of children received a certificate of being A Knight of Reader Order. Children promised to become keen readers and friends of books and keep their books clean. The following night spent in an Art room was exciting!

Mathematical Kangaroo in the Czech school

Mathematical Kangaroo in Dub nad Moravou has been over and has its winners in our school. The teachers always check the competition sheets themselves so it takes some time to get the results.
Children from grades 2 to 9 tried their luck and solved the competition tasks in the course of two common lessons. The highest amount of gained points was 84 ( a boy from grade 9), three boys from grade 5 gained betweeen 77 and 79 points and another boy from grade 7 received 71 points. These were the best results of a whole school. It is very interesting to find just boys among the best participants!

Romanian students coming to Hungary

Hello, children from Hungary! We are your correspondents from Romania: Bristena, Teo, Alex, Virgil and Maria. We can hardly wait to meet you in Kiskunhalas!

Tuesday, 30 March 2010

Welcome to Kiskunhalas 3

Czech children! We can't wait meeting you soon. We are (standing back) Renáta, Dominik, Dominika, Evelin, Laura and Anita, Cintia, Miklós. We are happy you are staying with us.

Welcome to Kiskunhalas 2

Dear Romanian children! Thank you for your presentations. They are very nice! We are looking forward to meeting you soon. We are: Judit, Szabolcs, Sándor. Ferenc and Tímea.

Welcome to Kiskunhalas 1

Host of Polish children: Tímea, Leila, János, Ferenc, Bernadett, Alexandra. (Unfortunately Enikő and Tódor are not in the photo.) Dear friends, we are waiting for your photos and mails.

Polish Students coming to Hungary

Patrick's gang, class 7 (Gimnazjum grade 1)

Spring in Kiskunhalas

Spring has brought some butterflies and an amazing yellow flower.

Students coming to Hungary

Pavla Janošíková, grade 7.

Aneta Dostálová, grade 7.

Laura Šimková, grade 7.

Radka Lajčíková, grade 8.

Karolina Indráková, grade 8.

Ondřej Hodinka, grade 7.

Ondřej Březina, grade 8.

Czech students coming to Hungary are looking forward to their trip. We are leaving in three weeks!!!

Monday, 29 March 2010

Blue in Morava

Here in Poland, we know that the spring has come to Morava and made it not only green but also BLUE.

Sunday, 28 March 2010

Recycling and Design

This traditional and beautiful paper dress was created by Annamária, Gréta and Klaudia. Miss Bea Kozarich helped them and they went for a competition with it. The creation and the girls won the second prize. Congratulations!

Wednesday, 24 March 2010


Hi! My name is Dino. Do you know my owner?


How do you find our windows?

Looking forward the Czech..

I love playing ice hockey.

Sunday, 21 March 2010

Looking forward ...

We are ready to go to Hungary: Paulinas and Iza

Saturday, 20 March 2010

Thursday, 18 March 2010

Polish Kangaroo

Video conference

There was an exciting video conference between the Hungarian and Romanian schools. The partners were happy to meet even if it was via skype. In the photo you can see the Romanian project group.

Spring Has Come!

It has been sunny and mild all day, the tiny flowers have shown their heads. Inside the classroom the children of 2nd class have designed some big flowers for the mums.

Wednesday, 17 March 2010

Polish Ss&Parents' Meeting

15 uczniów i ich rodziców spotkało się z nauczycielkami prowadzącymi projekt Comenius, aby przedyskutowć wyjazdy zagraniczne i wizyty partnerów w naszej szkole. Pierwsza grupa uczniów wyjedzie do Kiskunhalas, na Węgrzech, 21 kwietnia 2010r.
15 students and their parents met Comenius project coordinators to discuss mobilities and the visit at our school. The first group is going to Kiskunhalas, Hungary, on 21th April, 2010.

Tuesday, 16 March 2010


This is the latest photo. How long does the winter want to stay with us?

Hu hu ha, nasza zima zła

I'm not going to leave you. I'd like to stay here for ages. WINTER

Biology Lesson

Sunday, 14 March 2010

A School Fair

In Poland at the end of 6th class when the students are 13, they take a compulsory external exam. They will continue their education for 3 years at ‘gymnasium’ - a lower secondary/ middle compulsory school. At the end of this school pupils take another compulsory external examination.

On March, 9th, Zespół Szkół Nr 11, precisely – Gimnazjum Nr 9, took part in the Municipal School Exhibition. It’s an annual event. Every year middle schools in Jastrzębie Zdrój present themselves to new students. They invite six-graders to continue their education within their institution. Each gimnazjum organizes their exhibition stall where students and teachers promote their school and distribute leaflets to the visitors. The assets of our school are: good results of external examinations, sports achievements (especially – girls’ ice hockey), safety, international projects, and extracurricular activities which include the photography club, ICT club and others.

9 marca 2010r. Gimnazjum Nr 9 wzięło udział w Giełdzie Szkół, podczas której promowaliśmy naszą szkołę. W ulotce, którą rozdawaliśmy szóstoklasistom z całego Jastrzębia, podkreśliliśmy, że jesteśmy nie tylko SZKOŁĄ Z KLASĄ, w której uczą NAUCZYCIELE Z KLASĄ, ale także SZKOŁĄ SUKCESU zgodnie ze wskaźnikami EDW i SZKOŁĄ BEZPIECZNĄ, w której każdy uczeń ma szansę rozwijać się. Stawiamy na międzynarodowe kontakty, ale nie zapominamy o śląskich korzeniach i naturalnym środowisku. Szkoła jest znana z licznych sukcesów sportowych i oferuje wiele zajęć pozalekcyjnych.

The Three-day Retreat

Polish curriculum contains teaching religion as an optional subject. For three days before Easter Polish students go to church instead of school. Special preachers help them to be prepared for the event.
This year the preacher told us about heaven-road-signs which lead us to the heaven and a special heaven-driving license. We also sang a lot of songs. If somebody was getting a little tired, they “woke up” when the preacher mentioned Counter-Strike, a video game.

Saturday, 13 March 2010

Comenius mini - gardens in Dub.

One of the spring tasks in Virtual Eden acitivity calendar is planting seeds, looking after growing plants, observing the development of plants and writing observation diaries. In Dub nad Moravou school, children from class 5A have started this Comenius project task. Beside flowers, they started their mini-gardening with tomato plants, raddish, peas, beans and some herbs.