Wednesday, 30 September 2009
European Stork Club_2
European Stork Club_1
Sunday, 27 September 2009
Maria's INFO:
I found also next sites of Kangaroo in our countries:
Kangur Matematyczyny Poland
Matematický klokan Czech Republic
Nemzetközi Kenguru Matematika Verseny Hungary
Kängurun - Matematikens Hopp Sweden
Cangurul Matematic Romania
I found also next sites of Kangaroo in our countries:
Kangur Matematyczyny Poland
Matematický klokan Czech Republic
Nemzetközi Kenguru Matematika Verseny Hungary
Kängurun - Matematikens Hopp Sweden
Cangurul Matematic Romania
Make your own herbarium
Botanists-in-Training, where you can learn why leaves change colour, seeds can't be planted upside down and how a flower works.
A herbarium is a collection of carefully-dried plants. You can make your own herbarium and preserve plant specimens that you find!
Zielnik jest formą gromadzenia dokumentacji naukowej. Uczniowie tworzą zielniki, aby nauczyć się rozpoznawania roślin i trafności wyboru tematu.
Temat zielnika powinien być logicznie powiązany z dziedziną wiedzy biologicznej. (Np. z ekologią – Rośliny azotolubne – czyli nitrofilne.)
Karta zielnikowa powinna zawierać opis okazu według szablonu:
Gatunek: Polska
Rodzina : Polska
Stanowisko: Jastrzębie Zdrój
Siedlisko: Park
Data zbioru: 01.10.2020
Zebrał i oznaczył: Jasio Kowalski
Rośliny przyklejamy na kartkach A4 taśmą klejącą. Można zamieścić tylko fragment rośliny. W prawym dolnym rogu Kartę należy opatrzyć etykietą według podanego wzoru. Na karcie zielnikowej nie powinno być żadnych dodatkowych informacji. Ciekawostki można zamieścić na osobnej stronie. Na ostatniej stronie zamieszczamy pozycję, na podstawie której oznaczyliśmy rośliny.
Wikia is a collection of community websites that you can edit. All the sites here can be edited and improved by any visitor.
see what we are trying to start:
see what we are trying to start:
Saturday, 26 September 2009
Unusual Science lesson
Working together in Virtual Eden project
Thursday, 24 September 2009
Clean up the World
Sprzątanie świata – nazwa międzynarodowej kampanii odbywającej się na całym świecie w trzeci weekend września. Jej celem, ważniejszym niż usunięcie śmieci zalegających poza miejscami przeznaczonymi do ich składowania, jest wzrost świadomości ekologicznej społeczeństw.
Akcja "sprzątanie świata" wywodzi się z Australii. Po raz pierwszy odbyła się tam w 1989. Wówczas 40 tysięcy mieszkańców Sydney wzięło udział w akcji sprzątania terenów portu. Już rok później akcja objęła zasięgiem całą Australię, a liczba jego uczestników co roku rośnie. W Australii akcja odbywa się w marcu. Jej organizatorem jest organizacja społeczna Clean up Australia.
W Polsce akcja odbywa się co roku, począwszy od 1994. Krajowym patronem i koordynatorem akcji w Polsce jest Fundacja Nasza Ziemia. W akcji uczestniczy młodzież szkolna, harcerze, członkowie organizacji ekologicznych oraz ochotnicy. [Wikipedia]
From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Clean Up the World is a community-based, environmental campaign that inspires and empowers communities around the globe to clean up, fix up and conserve their environment.
The campaign's flagship event is Clean Up the World Weekend, celebrated globally on the 3rd weekend in September each year, however Clean Up the World encourages and supports groups to undertake activities throughout the year.
Clean up the World was established in 1993, after Clean Up Australia founders, Ian Kiernan and Kim McKay, approached the United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP), with the idea of taking the Clean Up Australia concept globally. The resulting partnership now mobilises an estimated 35 million volunteers from 120 countries annually, making it one of the largest community-based environmental campaigns in the world.
Second graders
Wednesday, 23 September 2009
Hello in Eden,
I have just sent to each coordinator a table with datas which should be reported about each plant we will used in our herbarium. The line Name ( in Czech ) will be replaced with a language of each partner school, as you can see in my emails. There, you have the table situated in a right lower corner, the dry plant will be located in the centre of a sheet. If I can recommend you, the best way is to print a few sheets with this table for participating students and show them how to fix dry plants on them. We do it with a transparent adhesive tape here.
Hope you are all well, looking forward to meeting you soon.
Name (in Latin)
Name (in English)
Name (in Czech)
I have just sent to each coordinator a table with datas which should be reported about each plant we will used in our herbarium. The line Name ( in Czech ) will be replaced with a language of each partner school, as you can see in my emails. There, you have the table situated in a right lower corner, the dry plant will be located in the centre of a sheet. If I can recommend you, the best way is to print a few sheets with this table for participating students and show them how to fix dry plants on them. We do it with a transparent adhesive tape here.
Hope you are all well, looking forward to meeting you soon.
Name (in Latin)
Name (in English)
Name (in Czech)
Sunday, 20 September 2009
My neighbourhood is friendly. There is a greengrocer’s opposite my house. There is a skating rink and a swimming pool nearby. There isn’t any theatre.
Marta K.
My neighbourhood is a quiet and peaceful place. From my window I can see a beautiful pond in the forest. There are a lot of birds in it. When I wake up I can hear their songs. There aren’t many shops here.
Agnieszka G.
My neighbourhood is fantastic. There are a lot of shops. I live next to a chemist’s and a café . There are a few markets but there are any restaurants.
David Z.
I live in Jastrzębie Zdrój. Jastrzębie isn’t a big city but it’s interesting. I live in a block of flats so I have got many neighbours. They are helpful and friendly. There are a lot of small shops near my block. There is a newsagent’s where I always buy my favourite magazines. There aren’t many nice cafés and restaurants but there is a big park where you can walk and relax.
Alice R.
I’m writing to tell you what Jastrzębie Zdrój is like. Well, I live in the peaceful neighbourhood. It’s a nice place with a lot of different buildings. I live in a house opposite the kindergarten, There is a church behind my house and the park nearby. There is a newsagent’s and a supermarket. There is a florist’s and a post office. Everyone here is friendly.
Sandra M.
Hi Czech, Hungarian, Romanian, Turkish and Swedish Friends!
We want to tell you about the neighbourhood of our school.
Our school is located south of the town center and east of the coalmine. The traffic isn’t very heavy here and our neighbourhood is lovely. There are a lot of blocks of flats among high trees. In fact, our houses are in the woods. There is a fire station opposite our school. There are a few shops and a sport centre, a hotel and a hospital. There isn’t a cinema or a café.
Could you drop us a line about your neighbourhood?
Polish students, grade 2nd
Saturday, 19 September 2009
Autumn Dwarfs from Dub
Children from 5th form in Dub school focused on natural material usage for creating various figures. They were given a general name Autumn Dwarfs and each pupil named their creature according to the kind of material it was made of. That´s why we have a Rose-hip Dwarf, Pumpkin Dwarf, Corn Dwarf and others. You can see the photos in a following presentation.
Thursday, 17 September 2009
Comenius board in Dub nad Moravou
Hello in Eden! After some problems with PC printing I finally made our Comenius board in the main school corridor and wrote an article to a local newspaper. We agreed with my colleagues on arriving to Cracow meeting on Saturday 24, late evening, and leaving Monday 26th early in the morning. Please, let me know if there are any changes in dates.
Wednesday, 16 September 2009
Monday, 14 September 2009
Images for EDEN
Right now the students are working with image and text and try to edit the images in a program called paint.NET. The program is free to download and supports the function layer, that´s why the combination of color and black and white. Emina 8A has photographed and edited!
Sunday, 13 September 2009
Eden Coach on Harvest Festival
On the coach young children were singing about nature and waving their Eden flags.
"Green Bridge" represented the collaboration of schools, pre-schools and civil organizations for the nature.
Waiting for the Ride
Saturday, 5 September 2009
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